At this time of global economic crisis when every organization is craving for option to curtail costs, INTELLISYS brings in a revolutionary video conferencing solution system, Vennfer.
Vennfer is a complete IP based video conferencing software solution that enables real-time audio, video, and data communication over LAN, WAN (leased lines, VSATs, VPNs) and broadband.
Especially built for live, multimedia based many to many collaboration that can be suitable for any industry, Vennfer delivers a lot more enhanced functionality at a reduced cost when compared to live collaboration over standard hardware based video conferencing systems. This is said to save atleast 50-65% of operating bandwidth cost and 40-65% of the capital cost of acquisition.
Vennfer based video Conferencing Solution finds itself very useful in:
-> Manufacturing organizations
-> Financial organizations
-> Stock Exchanges
-> Healthcare – Tele-medicines
-> Hotels
-> IT – ITES / BPO / KPO / Software based organizations
-> MNCs
-> Public Sector Organizations
-> Government offices etc, where communication with thousands of employees, customers and partners at various levels is a must which inturn influences the survival and success rate of that industry. While conferencing with Vennfer, users can share Word, PowerPoint, Excel, browser, PDF, whiteboard, instant chats, application simultaneously.

Vennfer’s Business Area Applications include:
-> Top management meetings
-> Face-to face meetings
-> HR – corporate trainings
-> Sales presentations
-> Employment interviews
-> Corporate e-learning
-> 3D Video Conferencing
-> Inter – departmental and Staff meetings
Vennfer also features video conferencing on your Mobile devices which can be very useful when you are on a move.
Thus, Vennfer can be considered as a world class conferencing, communication and interaction platform suitable and useful for any Industry.
For more information and demonstration of Vennfer please contact:
Knowledge Services Group
INTELLISYS Technologies 1,
Chowringhee Terrace,
Kolkata – 700 020, India
Tel No: +91-33-2223 3478/1468
Fax: +91-33-2223 0758
Vennfer Video Conferencing Software offered best services. Video Conferencing is much used by business people. They exclusive need Video Conference Server to meet up their employees in other site, which is low cost and secure.