Small Business Owners: Reasons to Design Your Own Mobile App

Mobile app development, app developers

One of the fastest growing digital marketing sectors, mobile apps offer the business owner an array of benefits, which is why app developers are working full-on to complete customer projects. Before you start Googling mobile app developers, here are a few compelling reasons to look into mobile app development.

  1. Facilitate direct contact with the customer – When your client downloads your mobile app, you have a direct digital link to deliver rich ad content and other things you wish to send. Research tells us that people respond more to an app notification than SMS and whenever you have information for your customer base, you can deliver it to their screens via your very own mobile app. Talk to one of the top app developers in Sydney about designing an app for your business and they would be happy to have an informal chat to explore the options. Make sure the app is user-friendly and your customers will explore the many set up options when they install the app.

  2. Boost brand awareness – Adding a mobile app to your list of digital channels is going to boost your brand in the eyes of the customer; people are impressed when they see a company has gone to the trouble of creating a mobile app and offering it to their customers for free. A few years from now, every business will have their own app and the sooner you design your own app, the better. The era of mobile apps is still early enough to earn you some brownie points in the prestige stakes; not that many small businesses can say they have an app on Play Store. Careful design that incorporates the company colours and your logo helps with brand awareness.

  3. Employee training & support – You can create a complete section for employees that is username protected; post useful resources and you can set notifications, in case you need to contact specific workers. You can post links to external websites where employees can study online courses relevant to their position, plus you add a comments section in order to get accurate feedback. Workers can communicate with each other, as well as the management, which streamlines your communication across the board. In the employee section, you can include annual leave planning, when employees can choose dates they prefer and that makes your HR much easier.

  4. Sales appointments – A mobile app can be used to set up customer appointments, informing both salesperson and customer in advance of the meeting time. All sales employees can access this section and edit in real-time, which puts everyone on the same page; think of the money you’ll save on phone communication! Click here to find out the differences between Microsoft Office 365 and Dynamics 365. You can create a customer information section and when a sale is made, the customer file can be updated in real time and when a salesperson is on the way to a customer, they can access all information about the client.

  5. Easy payment options – You customers will love the fact that they can settle their account via your app, which will help to ensure that payments are made on time. The app developer provides top-rated web security for your app, so your customers have peace of mind and this will free up your accounting resources, as they don’t need to send out so many invoices. You could set up several payment options via the app and the customer can set notifications and reminders when their invoice is due. This helps smooth payment, which is always good for cash flow.

  6. Customer support – If you have a support department, your app can be developed to include all customer support content and the customer can contact a service engineer directly. The more support you offer, the better and rather than having to email you, they can simply call an engineer via the app. Click here for further information about mobile apps.

  7. Present new products – Create rich promotional content and deliver it to all your customers via the app, which is a very powerful way to showcase new products or services. A few months prior to launch, you can send video and images to your customer base to prepare them for the launch; you can offer a loyalty discount to regular customers.

The great thing about mobile app development is its scalability; you can add sections, much like you can develop a website and over time, the app will prove to be a very valuable asset to your business. The first thing to do is locate a leading app developer in Sydney and they would be happy to discuss the many options, while showing you how the app can benefit your customers and the company.

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