Screens – Screen Creation and Using Screen Wizard in FoxPro

Screens provide another way to view data in FoxPro while the browse windows display data in the familiar row and column. Screen forms with screen such that a record can be retrieved and viewed at a time. Screens in FoxPro can be quickly created with the AutoScreen button of the toolbar, or by means of the screen designing windows which allows objects to be dragged at the desired location.

Screen Creation in FoxPro

Simply to moderately complex screens can be created with the use of the Auto Screen button and the aid of the screen wizard. A default extension of the .SCX is given to screen on saving it using the Auto Screen button. This is the single way to create a screen. The Auto Screen button builds a default single column screen. This button is present in the top right corner of the catalog manager dialog box.

Select file menu >> click catalog manager option >> click the table tab >> select the table >> require >> click use button >> click screen button >> Displays the screen.

Using Screen Wizard:-

Select the file menu, catalog manager option >> click the table tab >> select the table required >> click the use button >> click the new button which displays create screen dialog box. Click the screen wizard button in the next dialog box >> use the Add button to move all the fields one by one, to the selected fields in the list box. Click the next button to move to the next screen of the wizard – In the next screen double click the roll no in the available field list box to move it to the sort order of the records in the list box. Now click the ascending ration button to set the order of the sort. Click the next button to move the next screen of the wizard. In the next screen click the standard option as the style of screen.

Screen are of many types such as Standard screen, chiseled screen, shadow screen, boxed screen, embossed screen. Click on the text radio button to set the button type for the screen. Click the next button to move to the next screen of the wizard. In the last screen of the screen wizard, enter “Marks Entry Screen” as the title of the screen – click on the “Save” and see screen radio button and finally click the finish button.

To view results, just go to Reports which are the end result of the major part of the work done in FoxPro or for that matter in any database. Reports provide a way to organize, format, display and print desired information. Reports in FoxPro combine elements such as data, text in various formats, graphics and graphic elements.

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