Searching the Internet for sites and resources while researching on your favorite subject is tedious task as you have to browse through massive amounts of web pages, some of them being up to the quality expected while lot others aren’t worth your time. So, In-order to have more control with searching, give Fact200 a try.

Fact200 1.10
Fact200 is a simple yet powerful Internet Research Tool that allows you to filter out noise and junk and make you search multiple sources at once easily and effectively. You can then create custom search libraries if needed. Searching Internet is a lot easier with Fact200 as it supports some useful features like real-time searching, term suggestions, hover previewing, and integration with external search engines like Google, Yahoo!, MSN etc.,

Fact200 Internet Research Tool Quick Reference
And not only this, but Fact200 is also powered with news reading capabilities that allows you to add sites to your library so that you can easily access them again for newly written or updated articles.
It’s a free download here :