Orkut Launches Private Scraps and Privacy Levels for Any Shared Content

Google’s most popular social networking website – Orkut has launched private scraps feature that enables users to send scraps secretly for a completely private conversation.

This new feature on Orkut takes away the burden of using testimonials for sending private messages, thus making secret scraps more fun and interesting for selected friends.

All you have to do to send a private scrap to your friend is, simply compose your message first and before posting it, click the drop-down menu named visible to: and select the option only me and him.

Orkut private scraps visible to only me and him

By selecting this option only the person you’re sending the scrap will be able to see it and other users simply won’t see anything, thus keeping your scrap completely a secret.

And from now-on-wards every piece of content on Orkut will be labeled with a privacy level so that you can easily know who else is seeing it along with you. Orkut has provided three levels of privacy for any shared content:

  1. Visible to all the web

    This indicates that any orkut user can see the content posted. And if you add a comment to it, your comment will also be publicly visible.

  2. Visible only to friends

    This privacy level indicates that only the friends of the person who initially posted that content will be able to see it. And when you add a comment to it, your comment will show up in your profile page only for those friends that have access to the original content. Others simply won’t see anything.

  3. Visible only to selected friends

    This privacy level means that only a few users were selected to see the content posted. If the person who posted it has selected you to see the content then only you can see it and any comment you add will only be visible in your profile page to those selected friends that are able to see the initial content posted.

5 thoughts on “Orkut Launches Private Scraps and Privacy Levels for Any Shared Content”

  1. great post !! surely orkut is trying to challenge facebook in privacy matter…I’m new to this site n i have already bookmarked it..

  2. nice to hear from you Priya and yah I agree with you, Orkut is trying hard to compete with Facebook but it has lot more to improve to come anyway near to what FB is providing to its users.

  3. Facebook is under fire for not taking privacy seriously. Hence this is a sensible move by Google to make it easier for users to adjust privacy settings.

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