Play Akinator – the Web Genius Funny Game

Everyone likes to play funny games online as they tend to provide some relaxation and spice-up hum drum work attire. Here is a game that I have stumbled on the other day and liked spending some time with the web genie in the game – Akinator.

Akinator the Web Genie

The game is simple, all you have do is think about a real or fictional character and answer series of questions asked by Akinator, after which he’ll try to guess the person you’re thinking about.

And more than his guessing abilities you’ll quiet like his funny attitudes while he’s asking the questions.

Akinator triumph animation

If the genie doesn’t manage to find the person whom you first thought, give him another chance and he’ll try to find. You can even introduce the character your were thinking about when you have defeated Akinator.

Go play Akinator and have some fun 😉

10 thoughts on “Play Akinator – the Web Genius Funny Game”

  1. Hi, funny game, but I was surprised with the statistics: 1797 people are playing right now (Max=1800) 87107631 games played 2236 today. That is really impressive. Regards.

  2. Brooklyn Edmunson

    ha ha ha and by the way he is cheating he is listing to us but before i saw the listening thing he was pretty good . And also i didn’t say my characters name and he still got my character bravo bravo this thing is so cool!

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