Write Blog Posts with a Prepopulated Link Using Blog This! tool for Chrome

Time has taught me that blogging is not a separate task set aside to be done sometime later, but it has to be done now-here with enthusiasm cause after-all the power of enthusiasm is the creative force behind everything.

Free BlogThis extension by Google

But it’s not always so enthusiastic to log-in to blogger dashboard whenever something interesting is found on the web and wanted share it with blog readers. This is where the need for a blogging tool that facilitates instant write-up is felt and fulfilling it there’s a wonderful extension provided for Google chrome users.

Blog This! tool for Chrome enables you to readily create and publish a new blog post with a prepopulated link of the page you’re on.

Snapshot of BlogThis! Extension for Chrome in Action

All you have to do is simply install this blogging extension from Chrome Web Store and you’ll get to see a ‘B’ sharing button on your browser toolbar which when clicked takes you to your blogger account in a new application windows with a link and blurb of the post pre-populated, where you can just type an intro or whatever content you need to add, and voila! you have a new post ready to be published or save as draft.

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