Google Plus Featured Games

Games on Google+ have arrived of-late and with this move, this much touted and speculated about version of social network is one step ahead of becoming a true rival and competitor to Facebook and its extremely popular games.

Now along with Home, Photos, Profile and Circles, you can see Games button at the top of your Google Plus stream. Click the games button and you’re ready to play the games in Google+ and also share your experiences with other players.


Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice President, Engineering at Google says –

We want to make playing games online just as fun, and just as meaningful, as playing in real life. That means giving you control over when you see games, how you play them and with whom you share your experiences. Games in Google+ are there when you want them and gone when you don’t.

Here are the some of the featured games played most on Google Plus


Haven’t signed up for Google+ yet? Go get your account now and feel free to add me to your Circles on Google+. And to stay tuned with the great works that Google+ team have been doing for us, follow Google+ Platform Blog

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