Invite People to Join You on Google+ Easy Way

Inviting people to join you on Google Plus has now become lot easier than ever before. Besides the traditional way of inviting people by email, now all you’ve to do to invite your friends or a group of new people to Google+ is just share an unique link provided to you.

Invite People to Join You on Google Plus. Invite people by email or, share this link with a group of people

This latest update to Google+ invites was announced earlier this week by Balaji Srinivasan – an Engineer on the Google+ team.

Thanks to Balaji Srinivasan and whole of the Google+ team for rolling out this new feature to invite people the easy way. For those of you who needs an invite, head on to my invitation link and forget not to add me to your Google+ Circles. And by the way, to keep a check on the latest Google+ updates as and when they’re released, I recommend you to Add Google+ Insiders to Your Circles.

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