How to Supervise your Employees & Teens WhatsApp Chat?

Social media has grabbed a significant spot in the lives of the post-millennial and millennial generation. Whether it is an employee or a student, they spend most of their waking hours updating their social media profiles and communicating via instant messengers. When it comes to businesses, the social networking sites and instant messengers have turned out to be the basic tools for internal and external communication. The companies have transferred their customer care services to their social media pages and company websites. For teens, these social networking platforms provide fun ways to communicate with their fellows, exchange photos, videos, audios and much more.

Though social media apps and instant messengers are quite helpful in growing your business and grooming your kids, the unsupervised and needless use of these technologies can negatively influence your business and offspring. This article discusses why and how should you supervise your employees and teens social media accounts particularly the popular WhatsApp Messenger.

Supervise Teens and Employees WhatsApp Chat
Supervise Teens and Employees WhatsApp Chat

Why Monitor Employees’ WhatsApp Chat?

WhatsApp has replaced the conventional communication tools and programs used in businesses across the world. Majority of small and medium scale businesses are using WhatsApp Messenger to communicate within and beyond the workstation. The employers are required to keep a check on their workers’ communication with the co-workers, clients and third parties. It can help you ensure that your customers are being served well and your workers are not affecting the productivity of each other while doing gossips or harassments.

Why Monitor Teens’ WhatsApp Chat?

The online world is filled with several potential dangers such as bullying, child molestation, catfishing and online crimes. Your teen may expose to the scoundrels accessing adolescents via instant messengers and trapping them for sexual purposes. Keeping tabs on the online and offline communication of your children helps you protect your kids from the threats prevailing in the online world.

How to Monitor WhatsApp Chat?

Facebook-owned WhatsApp is the most popular instant messenger having around 1.5 billion active users. This immense popularity of the application has attracted the evil minds that are looking for their targets. Fortunately, there are a few spy applications that let you track the popular instant messaging and media apps to protect your children and employees from the menaces of this technology.

How does WhatsApp Spy App Work?

The activities performed on WhatsApp Messenger can be monitored with the help of cell phone tracking app. Once you get your children and workers’ mobile phones installed with the social media spy application, you can remotely monitor all of their activities performed on social media platforms via targeted cell phones. The end-user of the spy application is given access to the online account of the spy app from where he can monitor the data traced from the monitored Android phone.

Track WhatsApp Messages

The cell phone spy app lets you track the WhatsApp messages of your workers and children. It includes all messages whether received or sent consisting on text, photos, videos, audios, stickers, and emoticons. After installation on the targeted Android phone, the spy software gets access to the messages stored on the phone memory including short text messages, multimedia messages and instant messages sent via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, IMO, Skype and other social media and instant messengers. All these messages and thread conversations are then uploaded to the online account of spy app. Parents and employers can log into that account and read all the messages of their children and employees out there.

Track WhatsApp Calls

Similar to WhatsApp messages, the cell phone tracking software lets you track the WhatsApp calls of your workers and children. The app accesses the WhatsApp call logs and uploads to the online account. These call logs show you the call time, call duration and contact numbers of the callers and recipients.

WhatsApp Screen Recording

The Android tracking app lets you record all activities performed on WhatsApp Messenger with the help of screenshots. As your target starts using instant messenger, the spy app starts capturing screen to let you know what is happening.

The WhatsApp spy app lets you know how your workers or children are using the instant messenger. It helps you stay prepped up for any unpleasant incident to happen in near future.

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