How to Write Application Essay

Application essay requires an individual to genuinely describe themselves so that they can be offered a chance to study in the college they are applying for. Therefore, they should identify an event in their life that would best describe them. Unlike other English essays, an application essay is a written reflection of an individual and ought to be written carefully. Also, the question lies on how long should an application essay be because you do not want to include a lot of details that would turn out to be meaningless to the reader.

Get Familiar with your Questions

In regards to, application essays provide the student with one or two ideas to talk about. Therefore, the student should ensure that they fully understand the topic before deciding on what to write. They should identify whether the topics need them to describe, expound or explain a certain idea among others. Understanding the prompt makes it easy for the student to come up with appealing ideas. In addition, think about the ideas that you want to write about and determine whether they correspond to the allocated topic. If not, choose another event in your life.


After you have understood the topic of the essay well, it is time to ask yourself the common application essay questions that can be deduced from the topic. Such a question will act as a guide for the student to come up with the ideas that they intend to write in the essay. This one the most challenging sections of writing an application essay because it determines whether it will be accepted or rejected. Reflect on the various stories available to tell and choose the one that has the most experience. List the ideas and then, narrow them to fit the essay topic. Ensure that the story that you have chosen has enough supporting details.

Think of your Outline

Referring to the outline helps in arranging the ideas in the manner in which they will appear in the essay. After brainstorming, it is important to plan the essay because every essay has a beginning, a middle section, and a conclusion. All these sections should contain the appropriate ideas. Strategize by identifying the kind of tone that will be used for the essay or the form of writing that will introduce it. Ensure that you use your voice to write the essay to avoid running out of ideas. As well, the outline will help the student from changing their mind about the story they are narrating at the middle of the essay.

Begin Writing Your Essay

The final stage is how to write an application essay using the details of the outline. Begin by writing a rough draft and keep on revising it until you have written the essay to your satisfaction. Besides, start the essay with the main idea and keep the focus until the end of the essay. Also, make it personal as much as possible. The admission officers have read a lot of essays and, therefore, try your level best to come up with a new idea. It is easy for them to identify a plagiarised essay or a recycled idea. Thus make the essay personal by giving a true life event. Also, do not write too many details regarding an idea that can be expressed in a few words. The key to a good essay is being precise and direct to the point.

Proofreading and Editing Essay

Regarding how to end your application essay, give it an approximation of one hour after writing then read it through to identify and correct any grammar and spelling mistakes. Such errors could be an indication of carelessness, contrary to the image that you want to portray to the college admission officer. As well, reading it immediately can lead to the failure of identifying the mistakes because it will be like reading what you thought you wrote. It is also advisable to read the essay backward since it’s easier to identify mistakes that way. Also, you can have a friend read the essay to ensure that it does not have errors and that you have presented your ideas well.

Get your Essay Done

The idea of how to start an application essay is now history since you have already completed the writing process. Before submitting the essay, include your name, the ID number provided by the university, and reliable contact information. As well, you ought to keep copies of the essay for follow up. Given the fact that you have already familiarized yourself with the university that you were applying for, make sure that your essay has reached the necessary individuals. This prevents your work from going to waste and also wasting time waiting for a response to an essay that was not delivered. It would make no sense for the admission officers trying to match an application that does not have a name hence rendering it automatically rejected. You do not want to miss out a chance due to a minor mistake of forgetting to include your name in the application essay.

Concisely, ensure that you follow the required application essay format because it will count in the decision-making of whether to accept or reject your application. Following the above tips wisely is a guarantee that the application essay will be of good quality. In addition, remember to incorporate excellent writing and critical thinking skills. Plan your essay on time to avoid last minute rush.

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