8 Simple Steps to Advanced SEO and Content Marketing Strategy

Advanced SEO and Content Marketing Strategy

Having well-written, informative content on your website is great; however, it is only a piece of the SEO-puzzle. Online content also has to be marketed properly to earn the recognition it needs. This guide has plenty of tips and tricks used to revamp marketing content including search engine optimization.

Check Your Current GA Positions

Before setting any strategy or improving SEO-metrics, it’s vital to be aware of the starting rankings and positions. An evaluation as such will help you get a grasp on the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach. A detailed check of the ranking keywords, pages, backlinks and niche-relevance will reveal what parts of your marketing plan need changing.

Google Analytics will aid content creators at tracking information such as search queries that lead the users to certain pages. At the same time, this tool can help with keeping the track of organic visits and seasonal bounces. Google AdWords linked to your Google account is another useful tool that will assist in finding commonly looked up keyword phrases.

Google Analytics Reporting Audience Overview
Source: https://www.eclipsemediasolutions.com/blog/google-analytics-reports-explained-screenshots

Use SimilarWeb to Define the Niche Competitors

Now, it’s vital to find others in the field or niche you’re in. These adversaries are who need to be outshined to attract as well as retain as many site visitors as possible. There are a couple of ways to find out who preoccupies your potential visitors and customers.

One option is to look up words and phrases leading towards one’s own content and see what other companies come up. Conveniently, tools such as SimilarWeb can help to find and gather some metrics about the websites which Google sees as similar to yours.

SimilarWeb | Website Traffic Statistics & Market Intelligence. Similarweb Analyze Any Website Tech-Wonders.com Audience Interests

Do Content Gap Analysis through HubSpot

Use the best experience of your competitors and try to update your strategy. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which topics aren’t covered on your website?
  • Which keywords are being missed?
  • What niche-relevant links are absent?
  • What means of promotion and media distribution do your competitors use?

HubSpot is one of the useful tools that can offer title suggestions around a supplemented topic. Used similarly, LSIGraph can expand the list of your current keywords.

HubSpot Content Marketing : New Contacts by Lifecycle-stage and Original Source Visualization

Look at Niche-Relevance & Trending Topics

While trying to fill the content and SEO-gap, you also need to examine your product niche. WordStream offers useful software for discovering trending topics and keywords of the chosen niche. To start working with it, simply enter the topic you need to generate content for and check what niche and sub-niche results are shown.

WordStream Advisor - AdWords Campaigns
Source: https://www.getapp.com/marketing-software/a/wordstream-keyword-management-for-seo/

To find the trending topics, check social media websites such as Twitter. This search can become even more detailed alongside a tool such as Trendsmap. Trendsmap shows popular tags on Twitter and geographic locations where they appear. Google Trends can aid in keeping tabs on prevalent topics and searching for fresh topics.

Trendsmap Twitter Trending Topics
Source: https://www.talkwalker.com/blog/6-free-hashtag-tracking-tools-from-the-experts

Check New Content with EssayPro Assistance

Once you’ve gathered the data, take the opportunity to utilize it. This means it’s time to update old and plan new content. If you’re having troubles with editing texts or need to rewrite plagiarized pieces of content, ask a reliable paper writing service like https://essaypro.com/ to help you out. Although their main focus is providing academic help, such platforms hire highly qualified editors and proofreaders. You can see how it works on a screenshot below:

EssayPro - Essay Writing Service. Reliable Paper Writing Service. Hire a Writer for Help.

This stage is critical as poor content and especially plagiarism will cause search engine algorithms to affect your web page ranking negatively. Staying at the top search engine results is not the only goal that should be set. Make sure your page is actually useful for the users. After all, you write content for real people, not Google bots.

See How Similar Content Is Being Promoted

Besides, it’s important to understand how competition is doing. Competitor’s weaknesses need to be noticed as intimately as possible. Through this information, you are aware of how to compete and chances that can be taken to compensate for competition’s weaknesses.

Ahrefs is a great mechanism for meeting this goal. Enter a URL in the “Site explorer” field and check the backlinks built to support backlinks this page as on the screenshot below.

Ahrefs - SEO Tools & Resources To Grow Your Search Traffic. Ahrefs Site Explorer - Backlink Profile - Backlinks.

Share News on Social Media

After you have created some fresh materials, it is necessary to let the Google crawlers and users know about it. Submit the updated page for indexing and share the links on your corporate Facebook or Twitter pages. When it comes to sharing pages on social media, there are some things necessary for you to keep in mind. Mainly, be sure to use a catchy caption to draw traffic and offer a link to your new material.

Share Link With Your Twitter Followers.

Don’t Stop Growing

Remember, that this is a cycle, not a one-time action. The content you’ve created will, most likely, eventually fall away from consideration. Repeat the entire process constantly to perform at your best. The best way to address constantly changing SEO-trends and search queries is by maintaining a regular content update schedule. Make sure you follow the fundamental steps mentioned above at least once in two months.

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