What Does K-Band Mean On a Radar Detector?

When it comes to radar detectors, the exact lingo can be confusing at best. That’s why we’re here to help. When it comes to helping our readers understand their products, we take this to heart. If you’re thinking of buying a radar detector and you want to know what a k-band means, you’ve come to the right place.

What is K-Band?

K-Band refers entirely to frequency and as such, it refers to the level of sound that can be picked up by police officers. Depending on your individual needs, you’ll want to have a radar detector that detects sound at different frequencies.

K-band detects frequencies that are between 18ghz-27ghz. If you’re wondering whether this radar detector will be able to pick up frequencies from the detectors of police radios, you’re in luck. Police radios function at 24.5ghz.

This form of radar detector was first constructed a few decades ago and is considered to be an alternative to X-Band. If you’re thinking of using this radar detector, however, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. For one thing, police detectors aren’t the only devices that operate within the detector’s frequency range.

Your radar detector may detect signals from devices like car door openers, garage doors, and more. While this may result in you receiving a false alarm with your K-Band, your effort will be worth it because of how many positive alarms you receive. If you’ve heard rumours that you should have your K-Band disabled, you should avoid doing so because it can prevent you from collecting data from police detectors.

The major benefit of using this compared to the competition is that it allows the driver enough time to save themselves from a speeding ticket. In comparison, Ka-Band doesn’t provide the driver with enough time to prevent a ticket. That’s because Ka-Bands detect frequencies much later and they detect lower frequencies than other devices do.

You also don’t have to worry as much about being discovered by police officers when you use K-Band detectors. Ka Band detectors, in comparison, pose a risk to those who want to stay hidden from police officers.

If you’re looking for a good K-Band radar detector, you can look at this Beltronics RX65 Review. Here, you can make a completely informed decision about one of the best radar detectors on the market. It has a superb design and is placed at a reasonable price.

Beltronics RX65-Red Professional Series Radar Detector
Beltronics RX65-Red Professional Series Radar Detector


We know the importance of leading a safe life. That’s why you might be thinking of buying a radar detector, which will keep you hidden from police officers and speeding tickets. When you’re choosing a radar detector, it may be best for you to go with a K-Band detector. If you have any questions about radar detectors and which ones you should be buying, you can contact us today. We’ll be happy to answer any of your inquiries to the best of our ability and as quickly as possible.

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