Visibility is still the last word in SEO, especially for e-commerce businesses, because it has the power to make or break your business. Having a solid SEO strategy is the only way to gain high visibility and outrank your competitors, and you must battle hard to earn that coveted top spot in the search result or at least occupy one of the first three spots. It may be good to ensure that your website always hovers on the first page of search results. There is nothing better than occupying the top spots because there is a vast difference in traffic volume as you go down the list even by one or two positions. The difference in traffic going to the top most website and the fifth ranking website can be as high as 50%.
Here are some SEO tips from an SEO company that should help to outrank your competitors with consistency.

Begin with keyword research
To identify which keywords and phrases would be most suited for making your website appear in the higher ranks of search pages, you must carry out keyword research, which is the first step in SEO. Keywords drive traffic to sites that everybody knows, but to generate quality traffic that facilitates conversions, you must ensure that you use the right keywords. It can help to get visitors who take a high interest in your offerings only if you base your ecommerce SEO strategy upon the most relevant keywords.
To stimulate keyword research and drive it in the right direction, ask questions like – will this keyword help people to find what they are searching for? How much use will the traffic be for your business? If the answers are positive, then you are moving on the right track.
Keyword oriented optimization of the website
Having finalized the list of keywords you want to rank for, take up the task of optimizing your website around it. Use the keyword on the page that you want to rank for and even spread it across the entire site to increase the possibilities of viewers clicking on it. Make sure to place the keyword in the page titles, meta tags, alt tags, URLs, and headers. Insert keywords in the content that you want to rank for and even in the source code. Having many pages of a website always increases the ranking prospects, but too many pages can prove detrimental. It is more essential and effective when you connect with SEO agency experts like Clearwater SEO Companies for a chance of ranking up your site rapidly.
Create engaging content with keywords
Every page of your website is a precious asset that has the powers of improving search rankings provided you load it with valuable content created based on the chosen keywords. It is the same for all pages – blog posts, FAQ pages, product pages, and directories. Blogs are still the best content for websites as it gives ample opportunities to use keywords in various ways and facilitate building internal links.
Create content for people and not search engines. Do not stuff keywords in the content but use it naturally so that it does not interfere with the reading pleasure of viewers. Inserting keywords judiciously in the content not only makes good sense but also convey value to readers. Never let it happen that it appears somewhat evident to website visitors that your website design is more inclined to improve search rankings instead of conveying value to users and bettering their experience. Alternatively, your goal should be to appeal to visitors first, which will then automatically please search engines.
Make use of internal links
To strengthen your SEO strategy, you must reinforce the internal links, and it is the easiest way to gain mileage from the campaign. Link out to pages that you have earmarked for rank improvement with other pages of your website. It may entail editing of old blog posts to provide links to other pages or blog posts on your website.
Internal linking helps in site navigation and can considerably increase the ranking power and domain authority of websites. More pages on the website mean better opportunities for creating internal links with an eye on improving SEO prospects. Never link just for the sake of it but ensure that all links are relevant. If you are hyperlinking, the pages of your website ensure that it makes sense for users.
Cultivate backlinks
External links or backlinks have always added immense value, and it remains the backbone of SEO. Therefore, you must build a healthy backlink profile by balancing link quantity and link quality with more attention on the latter as it signifies the value that others attach to your website. More often, your site links with other websites. It sends positive signals to Google about how valuable your website is to other websites. You can always approach other websites to gather links and stay connected, but be careful to abide by Google’s guidelines to avoid any untoward outcome that can happen from violating the guidelines. Having a few authority links is always better than having too many mediocre or poor-quality links.
Use breadcrumbs on the website
Making it easy for search engines for crawling your site should be one of your optimization goals, and adding breadcrumbs to the website design can help a lot. Since good navigation is critical for facilitating proper crawling by search engines and browsing by visitors, providing breadcrumbs, which are navigational aids, improve the quality of navigation, and ensures better user experience. Visitors reaching your website from the search result page benefit from breadcrumbs that show them exactly where they are clicking on your website. The breadcrumbs are clickable, and besides hierarchy breadcrumbs, there are many other types too.
Use meta descriptions
First impressions matter very much, and because people see meta descriptions first on the SERP, it becomes vital for SEO. Meta descriptions tell users about what the page contains just as page titles tell search engines. You can entice visitors by using appropriate meta descriptions so that they click on the link and arrive at your website. Using characters in the meta description wisely improves the chances of the website garnering more clicks.
The above strategies are easy to implement and can ensure better conversions in the long run.