16 Mistakes Online Merchants Make and How to Avoid Them (Infographic)

The constant growth of the internet and the rise in ecommerce giants have changed the game for modern-day business owners. Even though owning a business online may seem intimidating, it can be accomplished rather seamlessly when time, research, hard work, and dedication are contributed.

There is a significant difference between launching your online store to making a tremendous profit off your products or services. Learning how to market your brand, set up your website, create content, and everything else that impacts online sales can be a daunting task to undertake.

There are various positives to taking your business online. For instance, 24/7 customer service when using bots, or offering easy checkouts with one-click buys. More and more companies are realizing the tremendous value of switching their marketing and sales efforts strictly online.

From those that have already made their impact online, there are a few things to be learned before diving into the deep waters of the internet. Did you know consumers judge your website within 5 seconds of landing on your page? Make your impact by hiring a website designer to build the perfect platform for your desired target market.

Fundera has compiled 16 of the most common mistakes online merchants make and how to avoid them. Check out the infographic below to learn how you can create or redesign your ecommerce platform for success.

16 Mistakes Online Merchants Make and How to Avoid Them [Infographic]
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