Basic Components of a Good Digital Marketing Strategy

The digital age is upon us and our marketplaces are moving online. With companies like Amazon and eBay ready to deliver almost any product to the customer’s doorstep and the number of software companies developing apps and other software to bring a new level of convenience to people’s lives the competitiveness in the digital marketplace is unparalleled.

There is an almost neverending line of digital entrepreneurs creating everything from robots that will clean your house for you to apps that will get groceries delivered to your doorstep and all of them are vying for their customer’s attention. So, when it comes to getting your product or service seen and heard by your target there is a lot of noise you will need to cut through. Cutting through this noise is exactly what digital marketing agencies do.

What is a Digital Marketing Agency?

A Digital Marketing Agency is, as the name suggests, the digital equivalent of a Marketing Agency. These use digital marketing techniques to get the attention of your online target audience. Since digital marketing is still in its nascent stages, there are no set rules or techniques you can use to make sure you draw large audiences. The techniques used by these companies change according to the nature of the market and rules and regulations to operate within the digital marketing realm. People also need digital marketing director as a service.

Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, SEO, Keyword Research, Mobile Marketing, Viral Marketing, Market analysis, Internet Marketing, Website Marketing.

What are Basic Components of a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Digital marketing is broken down into various components to make sure you are reaching your audience on all fronts. The basic components of a good digital marketing strategy are:

Website Optimization

Website optimization involves everything to do with your website. This mainly pertains to your web design, to ensure your customers find it easy to navigate your website to find what they want.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach large audiences. Email marketing strategies help find you the target audience and help compose emails that will attract the attention of your target audience.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the most crucial components of a digital marketing strategy. Having relevant, accurate and crisp content makes you more visible online. Content marketing strategies involve blogs, tweets, forum interactions, guest posts and lots more. As you keep generating high-quality content and putting it out there your website is perceived more and more trustworthy.

Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to reach the audience you want. Leveraging social media platforms to draw the attention of your customers towards your product can seem straightforward, but is not the case. There are a number of nuances to social media marketing that social media marketing agencies are well-versed in.


The core of any good digital marketing strategy is data. Market analytics take market data and provide you valuable insights about your customers and the market in general. These analytics can help you predict a rise in demand or a shift in your customers’ buying habits and help you develop future marketing strategies to counteract any negative effects.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

Pay Per Click advertising is a great way to get your name out there while you set up other marketing strategies. A pay per click ad will appear at the top of a search engine result as an ad, but the advantage is, you only need to pay for that space every time someone clicks on it. There are plenty of digital marketing agencies that offer pay per click marketing services, these companies will track your existing PPC ads, place your PPC ads to get the best ROI and come up with a robust PPC strategy.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Among all the components of a digital marketing strategy, SEO could very well be considered one of the most crucial as most people use a search engine to find what they want online. There are a number of factors that affect where a website ranks on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). A good SEO strategy will use these factors and ensure your website ranks well for all the relevant search field, this will include keyword-focused content to rank for specific keywords, guest posts, on-site SEO, and other off-site SEO elements.

You can check this out website for more Digital Marketing strategy.

What are the Best Digital Marketing Agencies in the US?

Kobe Digital

Kobe Digital : A Premier Los Angeles Digital Marketing Agency.

Kobe Digital is a premier Digital Marketing Agency in Los Angeles. Started by entrepreneur Arya Bina in 2016 has seen great success since its launch. The company is the most awarded digital marketing agency in Los Angeles has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes and The Huffington Post. The primary services they provide are Social Media Marketing and Pay Per Click Marketing and Management. The secondary services that they provide are Branding, Web Design and Advertising.

The Hatch Agency

The Hatch Agency. Public Relations Agency. Digital Marketing Agency.

The Hatch Agency is a digital marketing agency from San Francisco, CA that was founded by Reema Bahnasy and Amy Swanson in 2012. Over the year the company has grown and become a vital part of the digital marketing industry in SF. They have managed to attract clients from the Information Technology, Business Services and Transportation industries, by providing them services like Digital Strategy, Content Marketing and Public Relations.

Taktical Digital

Taktical Digital: The Best Digital Marketing Agency in New York

Taktical was founded by Ilan Nass in 2011 and is headquartered in New York City, NY. This company specialized in providing Direct-to-Customer (DTC) and Business-to-Business (B2B) companies that are in their nascent or expansion stages the digital footprint they need. Since social media marketing is one of their fortes they have earned the title of being one of the best New York social media agencies. The company provides their client with two main services, social media marketing and search engine optimization, the other secondary services they offer are content marketing, email marketing, pay per click marketing and conversion optimization.

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