Different Types of Engineering You’ve Never Heard of!

Different Types of Engineering You've Never Heard of!

Floating numbers on the piece of paper with countless inferences, calculations, theoretical explanations, statistical tools, and numerous days under observations! But when the math works and the reactions are worth, it sets a discovery! Today we are living a life of comfort which is possible only because of the hard work of engineers throughout the world.

This field of study has evolved into different types of engineering you’ve never heard of! Thanks to the whole new education system, experimentations, curriculum designs, and areas of study related to the outer world phenomenon, the results of innovations and discoveries. No doubt that the structure of engineering depends upon core branches such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, civil, and computer sciences, but the innovations from these fields have created the need for new and uncommon areas of study.

When thinking to opt for science and engineering as a career, one should rather go with the latest areas that hold greater scope for the future. And there is a lot more to be added.

Check the list underneath:

Biomolecular and Molecular Engineering

This combines the area of molecular biology, biophysical chemistry, and chemical engineering to develop everything taking from pharmaceutical drugs to foods.

Numerous industries employ Biomolecular engineers, including the military. It focuses majorly on molecular level solutions to issues and problems in the life sciences related to the environment, agriculture, energy, industry, food production, biotechnology, and medicine.

DNA molecule.

Metallurgical Engineering

This field deals with the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds, and their mixtures, known as alloys. It encompasses both the science and the technology of metals. It has huge scope in terms of innovations as well as discoveries, majorly in the researches where more properties and functioning areas can be defined with experimentations and lab supports.

Social Engineering

The area of engineering that manipulates the human mind to take out sensitive information. Criminals use tactics to take confidential information out of individuals by trickery. A major blend of psychosocial aspects, using techniques to take out important and delicate data through fraud and emotional phishing. Popular for social engineering attacks that have been highlighted by the media and warned by secure sites through mails and prompting notifications.

Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Social Engineering.

Security Engineering

The informal field of engineering deals with security aspects in the system designs. It has been under the locksmithing and security printing. But due to the technical advancements and increasing social engineering attacks, this field is a mainstream. The need for complex security based on mathematical and physical properties of the system is prevailing, due to rising frauds and deceptions by confidence tricksters. This makes it a very interesting and creative field of study.

Aerospace Engineering

Aero is related to aircraft. It involves designing, manufacturing, and testing of aircraft and spacecraft as well as parts and components. Additional elements can be airframes, power plants, guidance systems, electronic systems, and navigation systems. Isn’t this the whole package for ignited minds.

There is an immense demand for such engineers in the rocket building teams at NASA, ISRO, and SpaceX. They also have vast scope in defense and research laboratories. Satellite expansion and rocket launching are some of the fields where aerospace engineers can hold a bright future, even contributing to national fame.

Polymer Engineering

A general engineering field that designs, analyses, and modifies polymer materials. It covers aspects of the polymerization, structure, petrochemical industry & properties, characterization of polymers, structure-property relations, and applications.

There is a wide scope for this field in the government sector, with the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Oil India Limited, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Petrochemical engineering plants.

Reverse Engineering

The process used to deconstruct certain objects with man-made methodologies to reveal its designs, architecture, or to extract knowledge from the object is similar to scientific research.

This field has its importance in the military where explosive elements are tested bit by bit. Also, in the forensic departments as well as in software malfunctioning, where reverse engineering is used for malware analysis.

Process Engineering

The understanding and application of the fundamental principles and laws of nature that allow us to transform raw material and energy into products is called process engineering. These processes are useful to the society, at an industry level. There is a need for process engineering as the environmental awareness in increasing worldwide and inventions are yet to take place in an environment and human-friendly ways.


Geotechnical Engineering

This field consists of learning the application of scientific methods and knowledge of materials on the Earth’s crust.

They have included interpretations and solutions to various engineering works by various methodologies such as the acquisition of samples for analysis.

Optomechanical Engineering

The field involving the study of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with mechanical systems via radiation pressure. Also, the manufacturing and maintenance of optical parts and devices such as mirror mounts, optical mounts, translation stages, fiber aligners, rails, etc. manipulating properties of light by knowledge of optics are common aspects of this engineering syllabus.

This list can get more items for the countless fields where you should do your research. Therefore, letting you choose your ideal career. It’s time to use your knowledge and get working, the world is waiting for you. Make the difference and make the best use of your knowledge. All the best!

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Rishika Desai

Author’s Bio: This article has been written by Rishika Desai, B.Tech Computer Engineering Student at Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology (VIIT), Pune. She is a good dancer, poet and a writer. Animal love engulfs her heart and content writing comprises her present. You can follow Rishika on Twitter @ich_rish99.

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