The Top Apps for Couples Everywhere

Best Mobile Apps for Couples.

As we know, technology is a double edged sword. Yes, it has stolen countless hours of our much-needed sleep and leisure time with addictive Netflix series, entertaining yet occasionally toxic social media, and highly addictive online games – but on the other hand, it has made our lives infinitely more comfortable and convenient, with the ability to access information or services that we need, literally at the click of a button (or a tap of the screen). The last ten years in particular have seen a huge rise in the number of apps that are specifically designed to help us manage our lives and health – whether we are in a relationship or single. Here are some of our favourites:

Best Couple’s Finance AppHoneydue is a finance app that helps couples manage bills and budget as a team – including a messaging system. This can be great for smoothing over different financial approaches and keeping everything organised, as well as taking that next step into joint finances and longer term commitments.

Best App for Date Night Ideas – DateNight is a great app that can help you find the perfect activity, filtering by category (eg. outdoors vs dining), weather and location – with ratings by other members so you can choose the perfect option. Research shows that couples who try new things together experience significant benefits – so get a little adventurous!

Best App for Couples with KidsWinnie helps you find fun activities to do with family – as well as daycare centres and babysitters – and takes a lot of the mental pressure out of figuring out activities for kids. Evidence shows that time spent together doing new things is one of the keys to a harmonious and rewarding relationship.

Best Organizer App for CouplesMerge is a useful task manager app that helps you divide things like housework and chores, and also comment on your partner’s progress. This can be great for setting expectations and avoiding those annoying arguments about whose turn it is to do something – and finding practical ways to avoid disagreements or frustrations.

Best Astrology App for CouplesCo–Star is a highly personalised astrology app that breaks down your activity in areas such as routine, spirituality and social life – as well as checking out how your partner is doing on these fronts too. This can be a great opportunity to discuss how things are going, check in with yourself and learn something new about each other.

Best Relationship Coaching App for CouplesRelish is an effective and user-friendly Relationship Training app that helps couples who are wanting to get some relationship help on their own schedule – in areas such as communication, intimacy, trust and security. Members receive a customized plan including science-backed lessons, activities, quizzes, and date night ideas.

Sign up for your 7-day free trial and answer some questions about your relationship so Relish can personalize your journey.

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