These days the mobile phones hiding in the hand is having much support of useful apps and is playing the main role as an elder and in case of lovers it is becoming everything they need. The uses of these apps for lovers are many. Among the countless, we will see some useful android apps pertaining to lovers.

In the festival occasion, we put festival wallpapers. In the same way, reflecting the lover’s playful expression to decorate the mobile screen with high quality wallpapers, install ‘Valentines Day Special‘. The mobile screen will shine with the beautiful HD background. We can arrange to fly love symbols on the screen. The colour of balloons can be changed as we require.
Valentine Day Wallpaper Wishes is another app like the same. In this app there are wallpapers with quotations. We can set the wallpapers before one week of the date of Valentine’s Day denoting the speciality of each day. There is also a facility to message the quotations from the app.
Install “Love Tree Live Wallpaper” app to plant a beautiful love tree having heart shaped leaves as live wallpaper with falling leaves animation.
To express lovers uproar with ringtones, get Love Ringtones app. Selecting the liked love ringtone from the list we can set to contacts. We can set the same ringtones for SMS also.
Another two useful android app for couples and lover are:
Between – Private Couples App and MyDarling – Couple Application. In these apps some more additional facilities are provided for lovers. The private couples networking app ‘Between’ will carry talks between two. As denoted by the name, it reduces the distance between two and live updates that can be between two lovers can be shared as living together. Calendar events can be shared and also updates can be posted in the timeline. We can express the thoughts in the mind clearly with lovely stickers. There is a possibility to send voice messages with this best app for couples. The shared remembrances can easily be searched to view. Official website is
A special network for couples silly talks is ‘Couple’. It is for couples only. Along with real time management, photos and videos can be sent. Voice chatting is also available. The shared photos, videos, messages, whatever it may be, if those are more personal, we can set that those disappear automatically after some time. Sweet kisses can be sent smartly. Real-time locations can be shared. Android users can get Couple app free from Google Play Store and Apple iOS users can go to iTunes.
Everybody will bless for the everlasting love. But only somebody will tell relationship advice and necessary love lessons. Mobile apps have also entered into that business. Not only for the meeting of lovers but also to make the meetings everlasting, the apps give love tips. If required try using Relationship Tips app.
To say in one word about precious love, we have to go to ‘Love Quotes’. Android users can get Love Quotes app freely from Google Play.
The boys say that his love is broad like universe. The girls say that her love is depth like the sea. There is a challenge to expose whose love is great. ’30 Day Relationship Challenge’ as if in the name, for one month, every day in a different manner lovers have to please their favourite person. To declare the strength of your love try 30 Day Relationship Challenge app available free for Android.
It is natural among lovers trying for appreciation of each of them. This desire is more on lovers’ day. To impress his dear with lovely messages there is Love Messages: SMS Collection app readily available. In this there are more than 5000+ love messages which can be quickly browsed division wise and can be shared. Also with attractive messages to send love quotations, try love & romantic quotes app.
Beautifully designing lover photos and expressing your love try Romantic Love Photo Frames app. Nearly 100 varieties of HD frames are available. While taking the photos there is a facility to set the frame.
For designing photos differently and creatively to propose love, there is PhotoGrid: Video & Pic Collage Maker, Photo Editor app. We can add text to the designed photo and express our love feeling. We can also add clip arts and emoticons. Photo Grid is the top rated collage app on Android.
Bonus: 2 Useful iPhone apps for lovers
With one romantic idea we can give lots of love and wherever there is love, there is life. Such life changing 101 Romantic Ideas can be obtained by Apple users from iTunes.
To celebrate love with romantic music tunes on lovers’ day, use Valentine’s Day Music Radio app available free for iPhone users.
To say in one word about your precious love, you have to go to Love Quotes app. Android users can get freely from Google Play. Apple products users have to get Love Quotes app from iTunes