Avocado – Just for Couples and Lovers

Lovers, husband and wife, the chatting between them need not say specifically. Even though they are physically away from each other, always their thoughts revolve around their favorite person. For such people Avocado is the special social networking app with which rain of kisses can be bestowed and hugs can be sent. If required to stay connected to your favorite person become the member in avocado.io.
Avocado for all couples everywhere
With Avocado you can send private messages, share photos, sketches, lists and also events in calendar. For example, grocery lists can be organized together, marriage day and birthday parties can be planned together. Lovers will think before one week of festival as to how to plan for the special day and start discussing for that. On that day after completion of the celebration they share the photos and messages. This all planning and sharing to keep out of reach of others, the best suitable platform is Avocado.

Avocado is said to be the safer platform for couples as all the data will be stored in encryption method to ensure security and privacy of information shared on Avocado. Using Avocado there is a possibility of sending romantic kisses and hugs to your boo in a lovely way.

Avocado app is available free for Android and iPhone users. It is designed especially for couples and can be managed speedily and safely. Avocado can be used on the web also at Avocado.io

Modern Love: A Study of Couples and their Smartphones

In this infographic called Modern Love, Avocado has published data from a study of couples who use their smartphones to stay connected with their favorite person. Modern Love: A study of couples and their smartphones infographic

Infographic courtesy of Avocado Software, Inc.

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