Disable the Secondary Logon Service to Prevent Starting Processes Under Alternate Credentials

Services are nothing but application that runs in the background which typically provide features such as client/server applications, Web servers, database servers, and other server-based applications to users, both locally and across the network.
Disable the Secondary Logon Service to Prevent Starting Processes Under Alternate Credentials 1
You can use Services to start, stop, pause, resume, or disable any windows service application on remote and local computers with appropriate admin privileges. You can also Set up recovery actions to take place if a service fails such as restarting the service automatically or restarting the computer etc.

From all the Windows Services, the “Secondary Logon” service is the one that enables starting processes under alternate credentials. This allows the members of the Users group or Power Users group to run programs (*.exe), saved Microsoft Management Consoles(*.msc), shortcuts to programs and saved MMC consoles, and Control Panel items as an administrator which is generally considered as a security risk for a single user (or) notebook PC user. So, to minimize security risks to your computer it is suggested that the “Secondary Logon” service is disabled.

Follow the steps below to – Disable the “Secondary Logon” Service
1. Click Start and choose Control Panel from the Start Menu items.Control Panel @ Star Menu itemsNote:
If you find difficulty in accessing the Control Panel in your PC,
CLICK HERE To Know the Different Ways To Access the Windows Control Panel

2. If your Control Panel is showing items in Classic View, find the icon named Administrative Tools and double click on it.

Alternatively if you are under Category View, click Performance and Maintenance and then Click Administrative Tools

3. Now double-click on Services applet which is used to start, stop and configure windows services on your PC. This open the service window listing all the windows services.Administrative Tools Services
4. From the right pane of the Services Window, find the service “Secondary Logon” listed in the Name column.Secondary Logon Service
5. Double-click the “Secondary Logon” service which shows the Secondary Logon Properties for your Local Computer. By default, the “Secondary Logon” service starts automatically when the system starts and the “Startup Type” setting may be set to “Automatic” or “Manual”.Secondary Logon Properties_Local Computer
6. Now Stop the service by clicking Stop button and then set the “Startup Type” setting to “Disable” and Click Apply->OK.Disable Secondary Logon Service
7. Exit the “Services” window and restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

That’s it!! You have successfully disabled the “Secondary Logon” Service to minimize the security risks to your computer.

Caution: This applies only to single users (or) notebook PC users who are not connected to any other computers over the local network.

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