Twitter Tips to Avoid Account Suspension

It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your user account being suspended in any online networks, and Twitter is no exception to this rule. While using the services provided by Twitter, you have to keep in mind some simple basic things to understand and know what you are allowed and not allowed to do on Twitter. And if Twitter finds your account violating their Terms of Service (TOS) in any way, chance are your account may get suspended without prior notice and you’ll have to see this scary ‘Twitter Owl’ on your account URL saying “Sorry the account you were headed to has been suspended due to strange activity…”

Owl on Twitter suspended account page
Twitter Owl on Suspended Account Page

Now, let’s try to understand and know more about what comes under strange activity and breaking the TOS of Twitter.

According to the twitter rules, users are allowed to post any content they wish to share with others and Twitter neither monitors or censors the content published under normal circumstances. But, there are certain strange situations when they deserve the right to monitor your content and impose suspension if needed. These strange situations arise when you cross the boundaries or limitations regarding the content that can be published on Twitter. These limitations on the type of content that can be published with Twitter include:

  • Impersonating others in a manner that does or is intended to mislead, confuse, or deceive others.
  • Using Trademarked business names and/or logos to mislead others.
  • Publishing others people’s private and confidential information without prior permission of the owner.
  • Sending violence and threats messages to others.
  • Alleged copyright infringement activity.
  • Promotion of unlawful and illegal activities.
  • Deceiving others with a false Verified account badge as part of profile pictures, background images etc.,

The other type of strange activity that results in permanent suspension of your Twitter account is spam and abuse. In fact, spammers are the ones that have the high chances of getting suspended as Twitter is in no way to tolerate spamming.

Here are some of the tips to avoid your account being suspended due to activity that’s considered as spamming on Twitter:

  • Avoid frequent following and unfollowing in rapid succession to build your followers or to draw more attention for your profile.
  • Don’t retweet recurring content.
  • Avoid using automated systems to follow or unfollow (for example, bulk users solely to inflate your numbers.
  • Don’t always post updates consisting mainly of links and @replies, and not personal data.
  • Avoid posting multiple unrelated updates to a trending or popular topic using #

If you are a legitimate user and sure that you haven’t violated any TOS of Twitter and its by a mistake that your account got suspended, then you can Appeal an account suspension to contest your account suspension and get your account back. Twitter has a good reputation of unsuspending user accounts if they find the account to be legitimate. But if you are truly a spammer and breaking the TOS of Twitter and don’t change on that, chances are you may not get unsuspended. So, be careful and get to know what you are allowed to do on Twitter and follow that. That’s it!!

If you want to read more about best practices on Twitter, I recommend below links:

2 thoughts on “Twitter Tips to Avoid Account Suspension”

  1. The easiest way to get suspended is start an account and keep following more than 1k person a day. The next day the account will be suspended straight away. Source: Experience 😀

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