Swap files to file-swap.com – Give one file, get one free!

In the first place, why would anyone want to swap file – upload one of their files and get a random file in return for online viewing or download? Don’t be silly and think of any complicated logic, as it’s just for having some fun time online and nothing else. Life is too short to not have fun and be happy, isn’t it?

file-swap.com : Give one file - get one free!
Swap files at file-swap.com : Give one file – get one free!
Coming to file swap website details, Markus Renscheler designed it for fun and all it does is swap files. Here is how file-swap.com works:
How file-swap.com works
How file-swap.com works

You upload one of your files to file-swap.com server and in return you’ll be getting random file shared by another user for display online or download, all free! You can swap any files with maximum size of 500kB and a minimum file size is 1 Byte and the supported file formats include pictures, icons, text files, PDFs or audio & video files.

Go check out this interesting and cool site file swapping website file-swap.com, and have fun swapping files. Needless to say, don’t bug me if you got overly lucky and received adult images or virus files in return. You cannot expect what comes back, all you’ve in your control is upload any of your files that you’re willing to share with the world and click swap to get a random file in return. It’s very tempting to swap files at file-swap.com, try it out now and share this cool website with all your friends!!

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