Ask Anonymous Questions @Qoohme Social Q&A Website

Social Q&A websites and provide you the best platform to ask anonymous question and know the answers to your questions on any topic from anybody you like or care about that would help you to learn more about them.

social Q&A website

The social Q&A network has been made with easy interface and allows you to ask anonymous question and give answers to the question you are asked. Becoming a member, you can search your friends in ‘Find People’. You can follow anyone’s questions & answers about whom you want to know more by clicking on ‘Tag’. This tagging feature is so cool that the persons you’re tagged to aren’t aware of it, which gives you total privacy.

Creating an account on you can ask questions openly or anonymously to your friends in the box found in profile and you can see respective answers in ‘Replies’ as if you check the mails. You can check the question you are asked in your Inbox and give answers to only those you wish to for the public to see on your profile page. There is also a facility to delete the questions you don’t like or which have no logic and aren’t worth answering on your profile.

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