Focusing on What Works: What Are the Main Differences Between Push and Pull Marketing?

When it comes to marketing to your customers and target audiences, there are two types of marketing approaches that you’re going to want to be thinking about.; Push marketing and Pull marketing.

These are surprisingly descriptive terms for the marketing strategies, but they are ones you should know like the back of your hand if you’re interested in being successful in the marketing world. Both concepts can be applied to different strategies, and both will help you and your business succeed.

To help give you the information you’re looking for, today we’re going to explore the ins and outs of both pull and push marketing, detailing everything you need to know to get ahead in the game.Push vs Pull Marketing. What Are the Main Differences Between Push and Pull Marketing?

What is Pull Marketing?

Pull marketing is the simple term given to a marketing strategy that you put the customers and target audience first. You’re basically setting up the resources and infrastructure to ‘pull’ the customers in and slowly create a loyal following of people who love your brand and business.

Pull marketing is all about being customer-centric. You could approach this in many ways, from promoting your business via the mass media or through social media platforms, through social proof such as reviews and testimonials and through word of mouth.

You are much more likely to follow a pull marketing strategy if you’re interested in pulling in customers for long-term gain, rather than making short-term sales.

What is Push Marketing?

Push marketing is, quite obviously, the opposite of pull marketing. This means you’re placing a lot more focus on the product or service that you’re trying to sell, ‘pushing’ it towards people in the hopes that they buy it. This is, of course, ideal for short-term sales, but perhaps not great for long-term relationships.

Push marketing is evident in the more aggressive online advertising campaigns, point-of-sale displays in shops and supermarkets, or if customers receive a special incentive to buy something while it has a sense of urgency around it.

Envision going into a department store where the assistant comes up and sprays the latest perfume on you. This is one of the most literal situations push marketing is used since the store is literally pushing the product onto you to buy it.

Which One is Right for You?

Whether pull or push marketing is right for you depends entirely on the nature of your business and the results you want to have with your upcoming marketing campaign. For a lot of businesses, you’re going to want to use a mixture of both.

This means initially pushing your products or services onto your customer base in order to make those first few sales. You then have a pull marketing strategy in place that grows and grows, meaning you have the best of both worlds.

These are some next level channel marketing tactics you’ll need to think about.


There is no right and wrong answer when it comes to marketing your products, services or business, but it’s important you take the time to figure out what works best for you and your predicted target base. This is the only way you’re going to get the best results.

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