Old Versus New – Pros and Cons of the Gutenberg Update

WordPress users for sure have heard about the new version 5.0 called Gutenberg. It has finally been released on the 6th of December!

Before that, there was a beta version which you could have installed and tested. Now that a permanent replacement of the default WP Editor has come out, we have the first impressions of the new editor.

WordPress Gutenberg


For those that haven’t heard, Gutenberg is the new 5.0 WordPress version. One of the main goals of the new editor was not to utilize shortcodes and HTML to make things work. Also, another thing that has changed was the editing page layout and design. For those that are used to the old look, you can still get the Classic Editor and restore the old post editor.

Some of us have been already testing Gutenberg and have noticed the advantages and disadvantages of the new update.

Advantages of the Gutenberg Editor

  • Content blocks
    The main purpose of the editor was to build content blocks with less hassle as compared to the old editor. Now web developers can create themes for content block sites more easily and the editor will allow the support of such layouts by themes natively. As a result, there will be no more bulky content block plugins.
  • Theme switching
    Now you can easily switch from one theme to another, especially those embedded with content block builders. Gutenberg has made themes that don’t block content. Unlike how the themes worked, now they won’t require third-party themes to offer content builders.
  • Presents the look of the content on a site
    What’s most important is that the content in the editor appears the same way as it should when published on a site. This allows the site admin to have a look at their content without having to publish it, which makes it easier.
  • Mobile devices
    Another advantage is that you can own it on your tablets, smartphones, laptops or desktops. Majority of editors include block plugins that are not compatible with mobile devices. With Gutenberg you can have access anywhere you want to your web pages.

Disadvantages of the Gutenberg Editor

  • Sites breaking
    Gutenberg runs on modern technologies and disregards backward compatibility. Introducing it to the WordPress Core has caused some of the sites to break down. Next time you plan to edit something in the new version, expect this may happen.
  • Boxes
    The editor has a huge and clunky designed panel with lots of toggle boxes. Many users have experienced difficulties while looking for the meta boxes they require, in result, this leads to disorganization.

You can notice that there are more advantages than disadvantages listed, however, the plugin currently has a rating of one out of five stars. SEO companies and many other web developers have shown their disappointment about the fast development of the editor and the integration to the WordPress Core. Some of the developers believe that making Gutenberg as a default was a bad idea because it will allow clients to botch up their websites and this may lead to more work for them.

Time will tell if the Gutenberg update is a success for WordPress.

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