7 Major Advantages Of Using Managed Cloud Servers: By IT Experts

In the last few years, technologies, digital tools, and software have helped businesses improve their performance. Whether it has been opening up newer channels of sales and revenues through Ecommerce platforms or providing customer support through chatbots, technology has been helping businesses.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has made businesses come face-to-face with problems that have affected their workings. Successful businesses have been able to leverage technology to keep operations running. Businesses that have not been able to do the same have suffered from decreased employee productivity, lower sales, and even cyberattacks.

In this regard, one area that experts have said has contributed to improving digital performance is Cloud Servers and Computing. With data being such a critical part of a modern business organization, cloud servers have become the go-to option for far-sighted businesses.

In this resource article, we are going to share the top seven advantages of using Managed Cloud Servers. However, before we get to the list of advantages, let us look to define what managed cloud servers are in the first place.

Cloud Servers

Managed Cloud Servers: Meaning and Definition

Every business has to store pages of its website, data files, and other information somewhere or the other. Traditionally, this has been done on physical servers. In the past decade, cloud computing technologies have emerged providing businesses with a simpler, safer, and more productive option.

In simple words, a Managed Cloud Server is a hosting solution that allows businesses to use multiple servers in different locations and access them through secured network channels. You can store everything from software, data files, information, access codes, web pages, and more on managed cloud servers.

Managed cloud servers are known by different terminologies. Some refer to them as Cloud Computing or Hosting Solutions, while others call them Virtual Servers. The best part is that you do not need to be an IT expert to shift your business to the cloud. The process is simple and does not concern any technicalities.

List of 7 Major Advantages of Using Managed Cloud Servers for your Business

1. More Affordable than Traditional Fixed Servers-

There is a misconception that managed cloud servers are more expensive than traditional physical or onsite servers. That is not the case. On average, you save 20% to 25% more when you shift to the cloud. The use of multiple servers ensures that the costs are down and the performance is high as you are not paying for the upkeep of infrastructure.

2. Improves Efficiency, especially in Remote Working-

Businesses that have shifted to a ‘work from home’ model, or are planning for a hybrid one, will find cloud solutions to be more efficient. Employees can access company files, data and upload work details on the cloud with ease. This helps improve worker productivity, streamlines organizational efficiency, and boosts performance levels.

Cloud server replication enables real-time synchronization of data across remote devices. Multiple team members can work on shared files simultaneously, seeing instant updates and changes made by others. This real-time collaboration fosters teamwork, enhances communication, and eliminates version control issues that can arise when working remotely.

3. Increases Online Security and reduces the chances of Cyberattacks-

Data is the new oil and businesses know that. The pandemic saw cyberattacks increasing by 3X times. Managed cloud servers are famous for using advanced cybersecurity infrastructure to prevent online breaches. Even if one server is attacked, the rest of them ensure that you are not facing any downtime or data loss because of the attack. This is a far safer alternative.

In the event of unforeseen incidents or disasters, managed cloud server replication supports rapid recovery and business continuity. Providers implement robust security controls, access management, and data encryption to ensure data privacy and protection. This helps organizations meet regulatory obligations and maintain data governance standards. Some managed cloud replication solutions provide immutable backups, meaning that once a backup is created, it cannot be modified or deleted.

4. Zero Server Downtime for your Website-

If there is one thing that businesses need to understand is that even a minute of website downtime can prove to be disastrous for your business. Cloud servers ensure the highest possible uptime that helps your website’s performance. If one virtual server is affected, the others step in instantaneously to ensure that all your website pages are loading like before.

By implementing managed cloud replication, businesses can significantly minimize server downtime for their websites. The combination of redundancy, load balancing, automatic failover, real-time data synchronization, proactive monitoring, and disaster recovery strategies helps ensure continuous availability and provides an optimal user experience.

5. Best for Businesses that are looking to Scale Online Operations-

If you want to make the move from one physical server to another one, you are sure to experience a lot of headaches. In contrast, scaling up your business through cloud solutions is far easier. You might be looking for better bandwidth or higher speeds to improve the fresh load of traffic on your site. Scalability can easily be executed on managed cloud servers.

6. Not Tied-Up with any Physical Location-

The new nature of businesses dictates that while they can be physically stationed somewhere else, they can have customers in other locations. This means for improved digital presence using managed cloud servers can help better with SEO activities. You might be in India and looking at customers in the USA for your dropshipping business, right?

7. Better Access to Data Back-Up and Recovery-

Data suggests that human error is one of the major reasons for IT losses. If you are a business that takes your data seriously, you need managed cloud servers that offer real-time data backup and recovery options. This ensures that your prized possessions are not lost and that you can access them any time you want. For modern and digital-only businesses this is very important.

Real-time backup solutions can operate at the block level or file level. Block-level backup tracks change within files at the individual block level, while file-level backup focuses on capturing changes. The backup copy is always relatively current since backups are performed continuously or frequently, reducing downtime and minimizing the impact on your business operations.

The Bottom Line

If you are a business that is looking to increase productivity, value online security, and want to offer easy collaboration to your employees, you need to shift to managed cloud servers. This is the future of technology and you want your business to be occupying the front seat. If you have any questions or want clarifications on any of the points mentioned in the article, please let us know in the comments.

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