Reasons in Favor of Virtual Number

Virtual Phone Numbers

Virtual Numbers (VN) have become the most profitable way to get the most out of the business. The VN’s main purpose is to ensure that your customers always have the opportunity to contact you, despite the time or place. In addition, it is a top priority for VN service providers to ensure that their client is always in touch with people. The principle of a digital phone system is that it is an Internet-based telephone system that makes the best use of the latest technology while providing the most affordable solution for an office telephone system.

The VN business-friendly advantages

  • You won’t miss a call. The first advantage of a VN is the ability to route and forward the calls. A VN is a VoIP calling system that makes it easy to get in touch with almost anyone via computer, mobile device, or even desk phone.
  • One device, two numbers. VNs are especially useful for small businesses. The user will save money by reducing the cost of telephone lines. Virtual numbers allow having only one mobile device to effectively separate all business and personal calls. Your employees do not even need to have various devices in the office. There’s a possibility to refer each issue to one of the sections dedicated to a specific business category.
  • Profitability. The cost of calls to a VN is usually much lower compared to regular calls through a communications provider. Developers and engineers periodically work to make the calling system more reliable, efficient and keep it up to date. It’s recommended to have a high-speed Internet connection in your office or wherever you decide to set up a VN system. Modern providers present a lot of cheap virtual phone numbers, so the company owner can easily get acquainted with the most decent solutions and order the required ones.
  • Productivity is increasing. VNs are not tied directly to one specific phone, their users can work from almost anywhere in the world. Moreover, your employees will remain available to clients even when they are out of the office. Hence, it is also possible to set up a call center in a remote location that is not in the immediate vicinity of your business. Such a solution will not only save on various expenses but provide a means of hiring someone who is really interested in working for your company. Remember that VN allows the responsible persons not only to call customers but send/get voice messages and faxes.
  • It creates a professional image. Professionalism is everything in the business world today. There is no point in having an exceptional work ethic without a professional image. Customers today want their service providers to have great support with readily available numbers. The VN will not only make you look more professional but will provide all the benefits mentioned above.
  • A wealth of features. The virtual phone number has many exclusive features for your business. Some of them are: set up voicemail at any time, forward calls anywhere, and make customized changes by contacting your service provider.
  • Quick installation. Unlike dialing on an outside line or a landline system (they involve wired systems), a VN works over VoIP. It makes the installation of the entire system completely hassle-free. All you have to do is to connect to the Internet. The next step is the virtual telephone system, which will complete the configuration of the contact center.
  • Improvement. Many users pay attention to the significant improvement in the quality of communication and advantageous tariff plans that operate not only within the country but also internationally.
  • Memorability. A new VN can help attract more hits. A contact number has to be easy to remember because only in that case the customers will call again rather than look for alternatives online. It helps make your business better and more recognizable.
  • Reporting. You need information about the customer to sell more. Therefore, choose a provider that keeps detailed statistics of calls and conversations. A good service provides data about client waiting time, the duration of the conversation, the kind of advertisement that brought the client, time of greatest customer interest, and conversation recording.
  • Flexibility. Different industries can benefit from local number advertising. Taxi companies are an obvious example, as customers will see the advertised local number and instantly know that the cab company is operating in their area. Thus, buying a virtual phone number is a modern way to improve the quality of communication, which will allow your business to stay in touch with a client 24/7.

Virtual numbers types

Obviously, one number cannot do everything. Therefore, modern IP providers offer numbers:

  • For SMS receiving – suitable for those who receive a lot of messages a day.
  • For calls – get a number of any country or region and call customers.
  • Toll-free 800 – suitable for those who have a call center with many clients and take care of them.
  • For calls and SMS.
  • For calls and faxes, etc.

Marketers use virtual numbers very widely for various problems solving. Here are some examples of the most effective use of SMS campaigns:

  • In retail – for regular newsletters, as well as special mailings to support and strengthen customer loyalty.
  • In the service sector – to optimize and automate the exchange of information with clients.
  • When conducting marketing activities as part of campaigns to build a new brand and attract the attention of the target audience.
  • As one of constant but unobtrusive communication channels with clients in the format of text correspondence – technical support, consultations, answers to standard questions, etc.

Of course, SMS marketing is just one of the VNs usage areas, where they demonstrate consistently high efficiency and therefore are in significant demand.

Use virtual numbers in business to handle more customers. Communicate with support and ask all your questions before connecting. This will help you to set up a cloud PBX for your purposes: receiving SMS, communicating with clients, etc. Use the services of companies that specialize in this, save time and money.

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