Is Technology a Silver Bullet for Language Teaching and Learning?

Role of Technology in Language Teaching and Language Learning.

In the modern conditions of development of information technologies, the human resource becomes a wealth of society, which affects the development of the country’s economy. An important role in this is given to international communication affecting the economic and social freedom of the individual. This means that each specialist, in order to create international connections, to participate in foreign conferences and seminars, must be fluent in a foreign language. Nowadays, English has become the prevailing language, playing huge role in communication all around the world. The whole scientific world communicates mainly in this language. 75% of world mail and 60% of telephone conversations in the world are in English. Therefore, teachers face the challenge: how to organize the student’s learning activities in such a way as to ensure the greatest motivation for learning.

A university lecturer often faces the problem of not only ignorance of this subject, but also insufficient motivation to study it. Why does it happen? Experts from Pro-Papers writing service decided to dig further into that topic. It’s not a secret that often a university teacher uses only blackboard and chalk in the classroom. Naturally, in this case, it takes a lot of time and effort to present the material or to write examples, and for students, traditional pedagogical technologies cannot fully assimilate the changing flow of information.

The use of the latest computer technologies (video and audio podcasts, online tests, presentations, etc.) in the process of foreign languages teaching should overtake traditional methods of learning and teaching. This will help to form the basic skills of foreign language communication like the ability to express different thoughts in foreign language. Skills and abilities of the independent solution of communicative and cognitive tasks, increase the students’ motivation to study, make them take a new look at a foreign language, thus revealing their intelligence. The role of the teacher in the use of multimedia resources is to organize and coordinate. Teacher is able to more flexibly direct the learning process taking into account the individual capabilities of each student. The advantages of modern information networks and the possibility of using electronic forms of teaching and learning materials are obvious and not in doubt. The Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources.

As you know, learning a foreign language leaning to reading, writing, listening and speaking. The use of the latest computer technology motivates students to master all kinds of speech activity. In preparation for the lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to use materials from various domestic and foreign sites.

One of the main advantages of the Internet is access to a huge amount of information and a large selection of authentic texts: news articles, interesting facts from the lives of famous people, lyrics, etc. Authentic materials selected from original sources give learners the opportunity to observe the use of the language in real communication, to copy patterns of the speech behavior of partners. In addition, it forms a lot of different skills that are very useful. Moreover, students acquire cross-cultural knowledge.

Convenient in both creating and using electronic presentations also help to diversify classes with students. Electronic presentations are lectures and practical exercises performed in the Microsoft Power Point program, using audio, graphics and animation. This form of material presentation has undoubted advantages over traditional methods:

  • The graphic form of the submission is particularly well absorbed by students;
  • The use of multimedia in education entails an increase in motivation to learn;
  • Saving time.

The independent creation of presentations by students helps them to master the skills of independent work so students get more knowledge. In the future, this contributes to the research activities of students, the meaning of which is that in the process of its implementation the student acquires a certain list of research skills and skills: independently select sources, use information reviews, speak publicly, and use the design method work.

Creating your own presentations contributes to the intellectual, professional and overall personal growth of the student. Teaching a foreign language can be organized using Internet resources such as Internet dictionaries, Internet encyclopedias, educational sites, interactive tests, as well as materials of foreign sites on a given topic.

Given the important role of the Internet in the modern life of each individual, the use of the Internet and cutting-edge technologies in the practice of teaching and learning foreign languages is inevitable. In general, the use of technology resources in the context of teaching foreign languages provides benefits for both teachers and students. The use of innovative technologies, such as the Internet and network resources, is also a motivator for the intellectual development of students in the educational aspect. Technologies provide an opportunity to get acquainted with native speakers, discuss current professional issues, as well as they just ease the learning process.

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