How to Know Which is the Best Beyblade in the World and How to Play With Them?

Beyblades cartoon series has had a considerable influence on kids for almost two decades. Those cartoon beyblade battles have become a reality, and has resulted in streets becoming the beyblade battle ground.

Since the early 2000s, the sphere of their influence has been expanding. And today in 2021 the trend to buy the beyblades hasn’t ended.

With so many beyblades in the market, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find the one perfect for you. Which suits your style of play. If you are someone who has developed interest in strongest beyblade battles, then you have come to the right place.

Best Beyblade in the World

How to Find the Right Beyblade?

So lets assume you are another aspiring Beyblade enthusiast, who can’t wait to have their beyblades in the battle stadium, but before you step into the battlefield, have you done your homework?

A good player is always prepared against their opponent. Are you?

Being a beyblade enthusiast, you should know about your style of play. Your strategy should be well defined, you should experiment with other beyblades until you know your strategy to take on the opponent.

You will realise if you are an aggressive player, or if you prefer to defend against strikes, or you might prefer to defend and attack simultaneously.

There are three types of beyblades:

  • Attacking Beyblades are the ones perfect for you, if you prefer to play with speed and agility. If you like to play aggressively, then this is the best option for you. These beyblades are very fast, move around most of the stadium and strike multiple times.
  • If you think, you are better at defence against the strikes then you should go for a defensive beyblade.
  • Stamina Beyblades are an excellent choice, if you like to defend, attack and exhaust your opponent. These are for the ones who like to play strategically.

The Best Beyblades Out There

There quiet a number of competitors, and a wide variety of beyblades to choose from. But you don’t have to worry, because we are here with our top picks.

1. Beyblade Burst Evolution Spryzen S2

After a lot of research, we made the list of beyblades and we chose Spryzen, because

  • The Spryzen S2 Beyblade is especially made for attacking.
  • It has a light weighted body which allows it to attack really fast.
  • When launched strategically it can move in almost all of the stadium, due to which it is very difficult to strike it.
  • The high speeds provide an excellent attacking ability, which can knock out your opponent.
  • But sometimes the light weight beyblade can be disadvantageous as well. For this reason it shouldn’t be used against the more aggressive beyblades, because they can overpower it.

2. Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst B-59

For practicing and polishing you skills, this is the right one for you. If you don’t have much experience with beyblade battles, or if you are about to purchase your first beyblade ever, then definitely this option is worth it.

This stamina beyblade is made to last longer, and it provides a great defence as well, so you don’t need to worry much about the strikes. The metallic balls which are at the centre of the top cause it to spin with higher momentum. When the beyblade moves with high speeds, the balls move outwards the edges and increase the already high speeds, this makes them last longer and when it slows down these metallic balls move back towards the center to the beyblade.

3. Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst B-103

It is a beyblade which is characterized by defence, it is just the right option for the beginners, to master the art of beyblade battles.

  • It comprises of a long driver, which makes it lasts longer, so this is ideal for defence.
  • Friction is reduced by the metallic driver, which results in high speeds.
  • The bright colors, usually yellow and orange are aesthetically very pleasing and they grab everyone’s attention during the battles.

4. Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst B-148

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most extraordinary beyblades by Takaratomy.

  • It attains high speeds of revolution, because of the powerful driver. With high speeds it also attains stability.
  • It can defend against almost any sort of strike, due to a strong top. With a high speed of revolution and a strong defence, it becomes a difficult target for other beyblades to overpower.
  • The aesthetically pleasing wings gain the attention of others, and provide a necessary defence against the strikes.

5. Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst B-142 Judgement Joker

This is one of the most aggressive beyblades in the market, and if you intend to knock out your opponent aggressively then this is a good option. Because when it comes to attacking Judgement Joker Beyblade B-142 will never let you down.

  • It is one of the most strongest beyblade in the world.
  • Great balance is provided by the hefty top, during the battle.
  • The dual rubber makes it extremely attacking type and also provides good stability.
  • The friction less driver makes it fast and it also makes it dodge attacks. For this reason it is also called as a trick driver.

6. Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst B-155

This is the most aesthetically appealing, and the most unique kind of beyblade.

  • It can strike aggressively.
  • With a strong attack it also has high stamina as well, few beyblades have both abilities to attack and defend at the same time.
  • It can either spin towards right or left.
  • It can attack and defend simultaneously.
  • First it is very aggressive, it moves around most of the area of the stadium, and keeps on striking from every direction.
  • After some time, when the opponents aren’t knocked out, it starts to maintain the momentum.
  • It attains high momentum due to the dual metallic layer, and for this reason it has a high stamina as well.

Buying Guide for a Beyblade

For beyblade enthusiasts the choice of beyblade and the type of beyblade matters a lot. It defines your style of the game. Your winning or losing a battle depends mostly on your beyblades.

So before you purchase a beyblade, you should know what your preferences are.

There are three types of beyblades.

  • Attacking Beyblades are light weighted and very fast. They move around most of the stadium, so it is difficult to attack them, on the other hand, they can strike multiple times from different directions.
  • The Defensive Beyblades are the ones which move at high speeds, but they are not the ones which have high agility and do not move around the stadium in different directions. They usually spin at the centre of the stadium and defend against strikes. They are perfect to be used against the attacking beyblades.
  • The third type is known as Stamina Beyblades. They spin for extremely long durations and can easily exhaust other beyblades. They can strike when required and they have a good defensive capability.

Its not just the type of beyblades, but the surface on which they spin also impacts their performance. The stadiums are for this purpose. They are made up of ABS plastic which reduces friction and allows them to spin easily.

The launchers should be according to the beyblades and they shouldn’t have a loose grip.

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