Writing is one of the most challenging tasks for students. Some take too long to write, while most of them are not interested. They cannot focus on many components of assignment writing. If students are not good at it, or they are missing out on the fun of college life, this post can help both of them.
First of all, you need to know that academic assignment is different from essay writing, and students with poor writing skills have to make a lot of effort. Students can take assistance from an online assignment service if they are not willing to try or want to enjoy their college life. Students who are not good at assignment writing or require a little assistance can follow the tips shared below.
5 Assignment Writing Problems Every Student Should Avoid

1# Don’t ignore the guidelines
Instructors give guidelines to students when they assign a project, but not many follow them, which later brings them a piece of bad news. These instructions let the students know which format to use, the length of the assignment, and sometimes to make it a little easier, there are some references too. But this only happens in the early days of high school or college. Later you only receive a particular set of instructions.
You will need to follow a standard APA or MLA writing format. They both have different requirements; for example, MLA requires double spacing, a specific font size, setting margins, etc. the same goes for APA. There are other widely known formats, but these two are being used globally. If students are not good at writing or researching, they should discuss it with their instructors.
2# Poor title or argument
The next big mistake that students often make is in the title or the argument section. They need to understand the seriousness of an assignment because this is the only way to score good marks. There is even a possibility of assignment rejection if the title or argument is not relevant or according to the given instructions.
Students need to be imaginative if they want to produce a compelling title, but not every student is creative. All of them have different mental capabilities, and their way of perceiving is different as well.
Whereas; an assignment that does not have a strong argument will fail to entice the readers. The instructors will not reject it right away, but there will be unfavorable circumstances. They can give lower marks or even ask to rewrite it.
An argument is supposed to clarify the thoughts and respectfully provide people’s perspectives. Its primary motive is to change the viewpoint of the readers or convince people into taking an action.
3# Avoid plagiarism
This is not as easy as it sounds. Most students do not know the significance of these two things. They should be avoided at all possible costs because they can get an assignment rejected. Plagiarism is like using the available information without making any changes to it. The purpose of an assignment is to assess the capabilities of a student.
If they are going to copy and paste the already available information, then it is not going to benefit them in any way. Maybe in some institutes, the instructors might let the matter slide, but mostly this is not the situation.
There is only one way to find out plagiarism in the documents. It is by letting a plagiarism checker do the scan on the document. The checker goes through the database of search engines on the internet to find the relevant or exact pieces of text and display them on the screen.
Every college or university has set an acceptable percentage of plagiarism that is from five to ten percent. The reason is, there is a possibility for accidental plagiarism. It means the written text is already used somewhere on the internet in the same manner.
4# Proofread & fix grammatical errors
This is the phase students encounter after completing their assignments. Some students do not bother to reread their writings because they think they have not made any mistakes. They don’t know that even the professionals proofread their writings because when a person is writing inflow, there is a high chance of letting a mistake go unnoticed. Proofread not only helps in fixing the grammatical errors but can also make the reader aware of the poor sentence structure.
5# Stay away from distractions
Constantly receiving notifications on phone or computer applications keeps distracting the students. The assignments that were supposed to finish in two to three hours take longer to finish. It also negatively affects the cognitive abilities of a student. Therefore, it is necessary to put all the tech away or silence the notifications.
The advancements in tech today have tempted every student, and it is also beneficial in many regards. Students can use applications on their cell phones to stay alert and develop better study habits by following a schedule every day.