Maximizing Your Message: Effective Use of Push Notification Character Limits

Maximizing Your Message: Effective Use of Push Notification Character Limits

Every step you take to interact with your consumers must be carefully considered in today’s mobile-centric environment, where engagement is crucial. Push notifications are the way to go if you’re using an app. Push notifications are now effective marketing strategies. But, if you abuse them, the results might be disastrous.

The benefit of alerts, as Smashing Magazine puts it, is that they serve to remind consumers that their apps are installed. The fact that alerts serve as a reminder to consumers that your program is installed is a drawback.

We’ll discuss four recommended practices in this post to help you get the most out of your push notifications. To get more details on character limits for push notifications on different devices and browsers, see this article.

Implications of Push Alerts With a Higher Character Count

While there is no hard and fast rule about the optimal length of push alerts, it is vital to keep things concise.

Your material should be straightforward and informative to encourage readers to click through.

Think about the number of characters you have left before having to send a fresh message by sms alerts, emails, or social media.

While certain forms of social media platforms may have a blanket character limit, others may have far looser restrictions.

Different Methods of Pushing

All of us have crowded inboxes and are fans of a spam filter that removes unwanted messages, leaving just the ones we must read. If you’re in marketing, you need to know how to successfully communicate with a large audience, and you should be aware by now that sending out emails isn’t the best strategy.

Enter the push alerts — clickable pop-up alerts on your device’s screen regardless of the website or app you’re using. Push notifications may generally be divided into two types:

  • In-app
  • Browser push

While browser alerts can be activated on any device, in-app alerts can only display when an existing program on one’s mobile phone or tablet triggers them.

Title, body text, picture, and link components are standard for all pushes.

For push notifications to be effective, they must adhere to the “less-is-more” tenet in every respect: the text must be brief to adapt to the device’s character limit and allow the user to skim it. Also, the picture must be clear and unambiguous. Of course, the entire content has to be pertinent to the user.

Best Practices in Managing Push Notification Limits

Effective Use of Push Notification Character Limits

Ensuring your content is as brief and understandable as possible is crucial when developing a campaign.

By doing this, you’ll avoid placing your audience in an awkward situation that requires them to try to interpret your meaning.

Make each word matter.

The concept is that if people only read two lines of the alert, then those two lines should be written effectively.

Here are some pointers for creating a solid push notification:

1. Clarity

Consistency in your push notification marketing requires that you always communicate clearly. It is important that the recipient of a push notification not only understands the nature of the information sent to them but also knows what they should do as a result of receiving it.

Push notifications should be written with these two points in mind — Just what is it that I’m attempting to convey? And what exactly am I requesting of my audience? How can I convince people to do what I want them to do?

You can accomplish your goals far more quickly and simply if you ask yourself these two questions before writing a message or making any design decisions.

2. Brevity

Keep your push alerts short and sweet; the fewer words, the better. If you can make your push notification as brief and straightforward to read as possible, you’ll go a long way toward making your user’s life easier. Users become frustrated with notifications that demand too much of their time and focus.

A short and to-the-point push notification is as follows: Money has been provided to you by a friend. Pay up or lose it forever! This warning might be much shorter: Make a deposit immediately or risk losing it! Perhaps even more productively.

Be sure that the wording you choose for your communications is clear and easy to understand (if a sentence in a push notification has spaces in it, for example).

3. Captivation

An alert need not sacrifice interest for the sake of brevity, clarity, or conciseness. Keeping our users interested in receiving our push notifications requires us to employ a number of strategies.

Consider how you can hook consumers’ attention by offering them something they haven’t seen before when you construct your campaign. While deciding on the content of your message, consider how you might pique the reader’s interest with a minimum of words.

4. A/B Testing

You can see how people react to different levels of pressure this way. Your push notification technique may be fine-tuned based on the outcomes of your experiments.

In order to determine which factor had the most influence, A/B testing should be performed on a single variable at a time. One push may have the same message as another, but one could have a call to action while the other could not.

Make sure you’re tracking the proper key performance indicators (KPIs) by looking at more than just your open push rate.


To create a successful and effective push notification campaign, you must first encourage people to interact with your material. Character limits come into effect in this game — readers may be better able to understand what you’re asking of them if they can readily read your message in its full.

Optimizing things like character limits in notifications may have a significant impact on your company’s growth and success.

When implemented correctly, push notifications may significantly increase both new client engagement and existing customer retention.

By keeping tabs on your alerts across gadgets, you can ensure that your messages’ text is as legible as possible.

While this may seem like a simple adjustment, it might have a significant impact on future performance if it is overlooked.

When setting the maximum allowed size for iOS and Android push notifications, remember how important it is to stick to industry standards.

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