Make Your Google Searches Proxy Private @ Scroogle

Whenever you search on Google, it automatically issues a new cookie with a new ID before sending the search results. In this way the Google search servers can keep track of the IP address from which the search terms are being sent and thus can tell which searches are coming from the same person. Using the Google Search this way, one cannot serve the purpose of being private or anonymous in getting Google Search results. This is where Scroogle is at its best and plays an important role.

Scroogle Search Makes Your Searches on Google Proxy PrivateScroolge

By launching a search on Scroolge for Google Search results, you can restrict Google from setting a cookie on your PC, seeing your IP-address and recording your search terms making your searches fully proxy private.

How Scroogle Works

The process of sending the search results to the searcher launching a search on Scroogle is fairly simple:

  1. First, when you enter your Google search terms on Scroogle, it randomly grabs a Google IP and pings the Google search server.
  2. Google then issues a new cookie with a new ID to Scroogle recording it’s IP-address, the search terms, the date and time and then sends the search results.
  3. Scroogle will trash that cookie and save the search results in a file, parse it and sends the results to the searcher. The saved file is deleted within the hour and all the access logs are deleted within 48 hours.

No cookies – No tracking of IP – No search term records
You’ll receive just what you wanted -> Google Search Results

Every day Scroogle crumbles around 300,000 cookies and blocks a million ads. It supports popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft IE7 / IE8 and Opera. Scroogle can return search result pages written in 28 languages including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, English, French, German, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish etc., Entering your Google search terms at Scroolge Scraper can make your Google Searches proxy private.Also if you want to encrypt your search terms from anyone who might be monitoring the traffic between your browser and Scroogle’s servers, use Scroogle’s Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

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