Time to Junk POTS (Plain Old Telephone Systems)

Cloud telephony is becoming commonplace and it is time for the fence sitters to dump their POTS (Plain Old Telephone Systems). But the million dollar question is how does one come to know that it’s time for them to take the big technological leap? Well, the answer to this question is not complex. It is all about paying heed to your business communication needs.

Your old telephone system needs to be dumped but you have to find out the reasons behind your move so that you can justify it to your employees as well as your investors. Here is a small list of the reasons why you need to junk POTS and opt for the latest VoIP or IP telephone system:

1) Your plain old telephone system might be working against you and your business:

The Internet has completely revolutionized business communication and your cranky old telephone system is no match for the features being offered by Cloud telephony or VoIP. Business communication needs to be efficient and effective but the same is not possible while using the old telephone system. Your telephone does not offer features like automatic call routing, voicemail, one number for all devices and mobile telephony. On the other hand, the latest VoIP or Cloud based telephone systems are loaded with advanced telephony features turning your business communication highly effective and efficient. Thus, if you want your telephone system to work in your favour and not against your business interests then it is time to replace and upgrade your POTS.

2) Mobility and BYOD

If you have heard about employees working from anywhere but their office then it is all because of the modern mobility features offered by the IP telephones or VoIP systems. Managing a distributed workforce is a cumbersome task if you have only your old telephone system – interdepartmental communication and client communication will obviously suffer from unwarranted delays. This problem can be completely overcome by switching to an efficient and reliable communication system like VoIP and IP telephony. Your employees can use their tablets and Smartphones on the office network for carrying out their official communication. Thus, there is complete freedom of choice when it comes to working with a device that an employee finds comfortable.

3) Maintenance Headaches

Maintenance of POTS is your business’s Achilles heel because of the resource and money you have to put in the same. Maintaining the old telephone system requires working with old tools that are slowly being discarded. In the coming days it would be really tough to find technicians who would help you in maintaining POTS. On the other hand, if you are migrating to the latest VoIP or IP telephone system, maintenance and upgrades are taken care of by the service provider. You can find a Los Angeles VoIP provider or one from another country with ease these days. Cloud service providers carry out regular centralized maintenance of the communication system with 100% uptime. Thus, delay in communication will soon be old news.

4) Heavy Cost

Installation, operations, and maintenance of the plain old telephone system is taxed on the company’s accounts. You can choose to do away with high telephone bills by subscribing to VoIP or IP telephone system. The initial cost of setting up the network at office is the only investment that you will have to make and the subscription to call packages according to your usage. You pay based on your usage, thus savings hundreds of dollars every month. You will also be able to define the call limits so your telecom budget will not overshoot.

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