12 Small Pieces of Technology That Will Change Your Life

Google Home Mini, Google Assistant, Voice Assistant Technology, Tech Gadget.

Can you think of a high-tech tool that would seriously improve your life, but it’s not made yet? If the answer is yes, you better think twice and Google it once again because you’ll probably find it online.

Developers keep coming up with mind-boggling ideas and you’d be surprised with the sheer number of incredible gadgets that are available for purchases already. The entire market is packed with all sorts of apps and devices that make a huge impact on our everyday lives.

For example, there will be over 1.1 billion wearable devices active worldwide by 2022. At the same time, studies reveal that more than 60% of people already use at least one smart device.

But what are the most influential and life-changing pieces of small technology currently available? It’s not possible to create a list that suits every user out there, but it doesn’t stop us from discussing our favorite gadgets. Here are 12 pieces of technology that will change your life.

1. Smart home devices

Smart homes are not only the future but also the present of the world because they make our lives easier, more affordable, and more sustainable. For instance, smart air conditioning systems control the temperature automatically and prevent energy waste.

The same goes for smart lighting systems that turn off the lights automatically when you leave the room. When you combine multiple smart home platforms, you get a highly functional place that minimizes energy consumption while ensuring maximum comfort.

2. Voice assistants

You don’t need to be a tech geek to know about voice assistant technologies such as Siri, Cortana, or Google Assistant. According to the report, over 50% of all online searches will be voice-based this year.

Voice-powered technologies are already there and they help us do things and find information faster than ever. Instead of doing something manually, you can simply ask your digital assistant and the job will be done within seconds.

3. Water filters

Drinking water is a basic human right and the majority of people have it available at a glance. However, tap water quality varies greatly and simple technologies such as the water filter can help reduce the risk of health-related issues. Besides that, filtered tap water comes with additional benefits:

  • It is cost-efficient since you don’t have to purchase bottled water.
  • The technology is environmentally-friendly because you don’t need to use and throw away plastic bottles.
  • Filters are easy to replace, maintain, and repair.

4. Baby-monitoring onesie

Onesies are not only the most practical piece of clothing for a baby but also a health-monitoring tool for caring parents.

Jake Gardner, a healthcare-focused blogger explains that certain brands already developed onesies with ultra-thin sensors: “Sensors keep an eye on a baby’s temperature, sleeping habits, respiration, and similar. That way, you can rest assured that your infant is perfectly fine and healthy around the clock.”

5. Fitness tracker

People are getting obsessed with sports and fitness, but for good reason. After all, physical exercise is the major segment of a healthy life and there’s no reason to neglect it.

This is exactly why so many individuals use fitness trackers daily. Such devices promote a healthy lifestyle, give you a deeper insight into your physical activities, and make it easier to monitor and control chronic diseases.

6. Blood glucose monitor

Speaking of chronic diseases, we have to mention a revolutionary piece of small technology that practically saves persons suffering from diabetes. We are talking about the blood glucose monitor, a tool that enables users to keep an eye on blood sugar levels. But it doesn’t only serve people with diabetes – you can use it if you fall into a risky category or have a history of diabetes in your family.

7. Wireless earbuds

Another device that changes the way you live comes in the form of wireless earbuds. Although super-simple, this technology is highly practical because it makes your training sessions and everyday walks much more enjoyable.

What makes modern earbuds so powerful?

First of all, they last up to 12 hours before recharging. They are also water and sweat resistant, which makes them suitable for every type of physical activity. And finally, they make excellent isolators that block out external sounds efficiently.

8. Kindle

Kindle is not exactly the latest technology out there, but it still plays an important role in 2020. And it will continue to do so because of its substantial benefits:

  • Kindle makes an affordable reading tool.
  • Kindle allows you to carry loads of reading materials effortlessly.
  • The device is increasing your desire to read thanks to the sheer availability.
  • You can enjoy reading micro-moments while commuting or waiting in lines.

9. Portable projectors

Are you a digital marketer, a startup owner, or just a regular business person? If yes, you could probably use a tool like a portable projector on your business trips. A portable projector is a great investment if you are a frequent traveler who holds business presentations for the clients. The tool is easy to carry around with you and it guarantees a high-quality presentation display.

10. Artificial Intelligence

AI comes in many different forms and devices, so it’s fair to say that we’ve all been using it for decades already. A simple device such as the calculator is the smallest example of AI, but the technology keeps expanding every year.

Today, AI is responsible for everything from flight control and space engineering to online retail and real-time pricing. It has countless applications that make our lives easier for good.

11. Augmented Reality

AR represents a subdivision of AI, but we want to emphasize its advantages separately. AR adds fresh layers of information to the existing image, which means that it improves user experience by making it more comprehensive.

Take IKEA Place app for instance. It uses AR to give you an accurate impression of the furniture’s size, design, and functionality in your home. In other words, AR makes shopping experiences easier than ever.

12. A special fork for losing weight

We end the list with a funny product that might interest all of you food lovers out there. The HAPIfork is an electronic fork that helps you monitor and track your eating habits. It warns you when you start eating too quickly or too much, so you can slow down and reduce food consumption in order to lose weight gradually.

The Bottom Line

Almost every person in the world today is surrounded by cutting-edge technologies. It’s hard to avoid new tools and high-tech devices because they are way too practical, but you can filter out less relevant gadgets and focus on those that really matter the most.

In this post, we analyzed 12 small pieces of technology that will change your life. Which one do you find to be most useful and valuable? Let us know in the comments!

Charlie Svensson

Author Bio: Charlie Svensson is a tech geek and a blogger at the essay writing service. He is interested in topics such as the Internet of Things, web development, smart technologies, and other tech-related subjects. Besides writing, Charlie enjoys traveling and long-distance running.

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