7 Easy Ways To Increase Blog Traffic For Free

Do you want to make money online? If yes, you must be thinking to start blogging. Blogging is one of the most trusted ways to make money online. Recent studies and survey show about 30% to 40% of new bloggers quit blogging just because they don’t get enough traffic on their website or blog. The hard part isn’t designing and launching a website or blog. The biggest hurdle in blogging is to drive traffic and build an audience, whether it is from an organic source (search engine), social media or by any other mode. In this tutorial, I will be explaining how to increase blog traffic.

How to Increase Blog Traffic For Free

There are some ways and methods which I myself have tried before sharing this post. The below-mentioned ways will certainly help you generate a lot of traffic on your blog. The key to heavy traffic on your blog is “Consistency”, many bloggers start blogging as a part of interest but those who have “Consistency” succeeds. Those who are successful bloggers now have consistently done what they are best at. If you post an article on your blog, share your content/post on social websites, each post you publish you will definitely increase blog traffic. Also, you should always, remember that you don’t share much content at once on social media which may block you as per Social media policy. These are 7 ways to increase blog traffic.

1. Facebook Groups/Page:

Ways To Increase Blog Traffic: Post in Facebook Groups About Blogging

Facebook is one of the biggest social networking sites. According to Statista.com Facebook has 1.4 billion daily active users in 2018 (Half Quarter) which make the Facebook great platform to share. Facebook does offer the paid promotion to your Fb Page, where if you want to promote your articles or post daily it will cost you a lot so what to do? This method is very easy and can grow your visibility on Facebook in front of 1.4 billion peoples. The first and foremost thing you need to do is create your Facebook page (Brand Page) and invite all your friends to like your page. Once you create your own page and start sharing every single blog post to your Facebook page and join groups on Facebook related to your blog genre. For example, Technology facts, Latest Technology, Tech Stuff Download & etc. Some may allow unrestricted sharing and some may be required to take permission every time you post in the group. So in this way you can join groups which have more than 10,000 likes/followers and keep sharing every time you post on the blog in order to increase blog traffic.

2. Blogging Communities:

Skill Infinity | Directory of Top Indian Blogs and Bloggers

Blogging communities like IndiBlogger, Skill Infinity and many others have thousands of bloggers from every niche who share their posts and read others post to know other bloggers and to get an idea for their upcoming posts. With such communities, you can easily get 100-200 views for a single article or blog post in a day. You need to join such communities, keep writing the articles, post consistently and share it here, which will boost your traffic in a great way. Blogging community will also help you build relationships with other bloggers and help you grow in the blogging world. This method is the most important method to increase blog traffic.

3. Reddit Sharing:

Ways To Increase Blog Traffic: Submit a new link on reddit

Reddit is content, discussion, and social news website. In Reddit registered users submit the post in form of text, image, videos, and links. All this content shared by registered members is seen by around 1.5 million users per day. Reddit is one of the biggest platforms for sharing your content, the only thing you need to do is sign up and start posting your links and some interesting posts. Also just like Instagram you can ask big pages with lots of followers to share your content at some price. Once your link/post got on the first page you will surely get thousands of hits in a day. If you don’t want to spend money on promotion still you can use this platform to generate some traffic daily and while using this make sure you don’t break rules and laws of any group or you might be banned permanently.

4. Twitter Trending:

Twitter #Trending

To create a verified and official blog twitter account for a blog is essential as it increases the value of your brand/blog also if you dedicate some time you can generate a good amount of traffic from Twitter. Social Media accounts like Twitter helps you recognize globally and it is more official which will make your blog a brand. According to Statista.com Twitter has 69 million daily active users. The only thing you need to do is write the article on topics which are trending on Twitter like AI (Artificial Intelligence) and etc. once you wrote complete article share the article link on Twitter with trending hashtags related to the subject. Another method is similar to Instagram & Reddit, you need to ask popular Twitter handlers to tweet about your article to increase blog traffic. This method may cause you some money hence not recommended.

5. Guest Post:

Girl Guest Blogging on the Sofa

When it comes to blogging building a healthy relationship with fellow bloggers will help you in many ways. One of the most popular ways of helping is Guest Blogging. Guest blogging has certain benefits like you get a “DoFollow” link which eventually increases your ranking in search engine and organic traffic. This does not only benefit but also when you write on someone else blog the readers who follow that blog try to know about you and your blog too. Most of the SEO organisation has given backlinks priority as it increases blog traffic and value of a blog. This method is most recommended.

6. Reviewing Popular Service/Product:

Service/Product Review

Do you know why news blog/website gets lots of traffic? Yes, you are correct because everything they write is wanted by their readers for example, if a rocket is launched to Mars readers will quickly search for Mars Rocket and articles written for those keyword or similar keywords get visitors in no time. Similarly, what you need to do is write the article on trending product, service, or your genre specific. This is the quickest way to generate a good amount of traffic and if you are in affiliate marketing then you can make a good amount of money too. You might have seen coupon websites, hosting review websites, smartphone review website and more, are an example of this method.

7. Instagram Page:

Instagram Page

Instagram is today’s most popular social networking app. As after an increase in phone camera quality and low data price has raised the number of users started using Instagram and if you are aware of memes then you must be knowing how powerful Instagram is as a social media. Instagram is popular for funny stuff, memes, quotes and kind of stuff. What you have to do is simply ask some pages which will offer cheap story promotion (Swipe Up) starting from 20 Rs for 24 hours. The only thing you need to take care of is to create attractive posts and banners. While choosing a page to promote make sure it has the same content as of your article. For example, if your article is on Technology stuff so choose page which offers technology post to its followers. If you don’t want to spend money you can also create your own Instagram page. Instagram Page will engage followers with some appropriate content and once you got enough followers you can simply start sharing your blog posts.

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Author Bio: I am Vaibhav Kulkarni, Blogger by Passion, Civil Engineer by Profession. I am a Tech Enthusiast and Travel Lover. I started my online journey 3 years back with some ideas and no coding experience. I was always fascinated with technology and its credibility. I firmly believe in “Creating jobs rather than asking for one”. Join me on Twitter to share your ideas with me.

2 thoughts on “7 Easy Ways To Increase Blog Traffic For Free”

  1. Another easy way to increase blog traffic for free is through your WhatsApp chats and WhatsApp groups. That’s an obvious one but deserves a mention.

  2. One of the most incredibly overlooked options for increasing blog traffic is Social Media Marketing. The world wide web, digital marketing, and social media marketing are the wave of the future. They ensure a high impact online presence from day one and through which you can achieve a high ROI. Social Media Marketing has tremendous capability to increase blog traffic and sales for businesses if it’s utilized with full fundamental understanding. The little-known secrets of Social Media Marketing be certain that you include images in the majority of your social networking channels. Social Media Marketing can boost brand recognition that is essential for any business to boost their value on the market. Social media supplies you with the ability to socialize your blog posts, to publicize your blog and push your blog’s traffic up. Social Media Marketing is quite important because it’s not just restricted to old conventional method of advertisement.

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